math - How to join the same matrix several times to make a big matrix in Matlab? -

i have 4x1 matrix,

a= [1;2;3;4]    

i want make b such size 4x50. elements in columns must contain same elements of a. example,

b= [1 1 1 1.... 1 1; 2 2 2 2.... 2 2; 3 3 3 3.... 3 3; 4 4 4 4.... 4 4] 

in case elements of column 1 present in same way in first column of b, same second column on b, , on

is there way form b a? trying concatenating below:

b= horzcat(a,a,...); 

but in case, have write a, 50 times. there other way same result?

have tried using repmat?

b = repmat(a, 1, 50); 

repmat (which nicely stands repeat matrix) takes matrix , repeats many times horizontally , vertically want. technically speaking, can choose how many times want repeat many dimensions possible there in matrix. however, our purposes here, matrix has 2 degrees of freedom / dimensions, we're considering horizontal , vertical here.

in specific case, want repeat column vector 50 times horizontally, hence third parameter being set 50, while want 1 copy vertically, hence second parameter being set 1.


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