
Showing posts from May, 2011

sql - multiple query same table but in different columns mysql -

i'm trying more columns summarizing result 2 different tables set @start_res = 20150301; set @finish_res= 20150501; set @finish_check= 20150801; set @start_check= 20150301; set @daily_hos= 3; select* ( select count(day_in) arr t_hospital day_in between @start_check , @finish_check , res_date between @start_res , @finish_res , id_daily_hos =@daily_hos group day_in )e, (select count(pat_status) ong1 t_hospital pat_status '%ong%' , day_in between @start_check , @finish_check , res_date between @start_res , @finish_res , id_daily_hos =@daily_hos group day_in ) a, (select count(pat_status) rted t_hospital pat_status '%rtde%'and day_in between @start_check , @finish_check , res_date between @start_res , @finish_res , id_daily_hos =@daily_hos group day_in )b, (select count(pat_status) poli t_hospital pat_status '%pol%'and day_in between @start_check , @finish_check , res_date between @start_res , @finish_res , id_daily...

php - getting http 400 when trying to send data to paypal api -

i have tried can possibly think of, , nothing helps. have gone far download sample "pizza store" application have on github. every time, when replace "endpoint" in sdk-config.ini "live" , put in clientid , clientsecret, , update bootstrap.php file information, "my apps" section error "got http response code 400 when accessing ." using sample application provide, , error. have been searching , searching, , slike there 40 different end points, no documentation on how use them, how set them, or it. thing can gather sample app can set "mode" live in "setconfig" call, results in 400 error. desperate, need here. have emailed support, , haven't gotten response. trying friend out , website people can buy things, 400 error driving me insane. here direct copy of code using try out... $config = config::getitem('merchant_settings', 'paypal'); $config = $confi...

javascript - ajax - Ajax vs document.getElementById().innerHTML -

i new ajax , web development in general. when googled ajax, lot of sites (like here ) said 1 of key features or ajax can dynamically update content on webpage without reloading it. my question this: can't using document.getelementbyid("...").innerhtml = "whatever want change to" ? know ajax can make requests webserver , whatnot. not question. question why people claim changing webpage without reloading special ajax when can normal javascript? and also, in link above, said ajax can "request/receive data server - after page has loaded". why "after page has loaded"? there way request/recieve data server while page still loading? thank you! my question this: can't using document.getelementbyid("...").innerhtml = "whatever want change to"? you can indeed change inner markup of dom element instances using property. i know ajax can make requests webserver , whatnot. not question. question w...

entity framework - CodeFirst DB Migrations with Azure -

i've far been unsuccessful @ getting automatic migrations work visual studio online code repo that's configured automatically deploy azure. there's similar question here that's unanswered: entityframework automatic migrations azure git deployment my issue right now, databases out of sync between local working copy , azure db, when code deploys successfully, application no longer functions, since database not updated match new classes. i've tried several approaches: webapi.config updated include migrator. var migrator = new dbmigrator(new configuration()); migrator.update(); web.config updated include migrate latest version <add key="migratedatabasetolatestversion" value="true"/> migrations configuration updated enable automatic automaticmigrationsenabled = true; publishing directly visual studio via publish manager - still doesn't execute db updates on azure site. (including checking option box execute migrations) ...

c# - Scrolling ListBox with buttons WPF -

how can scroll sections using buttons in wpf? i have next listbox: i need each arrow (buttons) left & right perform scroll action (back & next) here code of listbox (since code of buttons not important pasting listbox code) <listbox grid.column="1" grid.row="1" name="categorieslistbox" scrollviewer.verticalscrollbarvisibility="disabled" scrollviewer.horizontalscrollbarvisibility="hidden" background="#00ffffff" borderbrush="{x:null}"> <listbox.itemspanel> <itemspaneltemplate> <uniformgrid rows="2" verticalalignment="center" background="#00ffffff"/> </itemspaneltemplate> </listbox.itemspanel> <listbox.itemcontainerstyle> <style targettype="{x:type listboxitem}...

grails - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=32m; MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0 -

when run grails application created using netbeans ide 8.0.2,this error display.i set environment java , grails. could please me? googled , tried lot, still cannot slove it. please me. grails version need download grails-docs also? that's not error, it's warning , can ignored. permgen removed in java 8, specifying min , or max size isn't needed. i don't use netbeans can make go away if can configure jvm args, otherwise ignore it.

jquery - Find html element add id to parent -

i'm having issue here, have piece of code works great. $('td img[src="/images/nav/prev_dim.gif"]').parent().closest("table").attr('class','robsid'); does want do. path of image changes after.gif here, /images/nav/prev.gif?v=2015.2.0 how ignore ?v= , focus on finding image name when changes example pagination. ignore after.gif use attribute starts selector $('td img[src^="/images/nav/prev.gif"]')

c# - How to re-size window in WPF when Allow Transparent is True -

as known, when allow transparent property true, border of window hidden , cannot re-size window. re-size window if set resizemode canresizewithgrip, solution not because can re-size window when it's maximized , change right corner of window instead of of 4 corners, question how how re-size window in wpf when allow transparent true without using canresizewithgrip? thanks in advance! ~thi well, pretty easy. there property on window named resizemode, , if set " canresizewithgrip ", resizegrip control placed on window automatically, , if run app, will, correctly, resize window.

spring - Java - objects access control for users -

i don't know if question title correct - forgive if doesn't. have such problem: my web application can accessed logged users. each user represented user entity saved in database. there other entity classes: a , b , c ... kept in database. each object of classes a , b ... created user. user1 shouldn't see objects created user2 . question: how can make such access control? my naive idea: i can add user property (column in case of db table) every entity class. , during object creation, property take current user id. far ok me. must add current user every database select. , problematic in way. for example, using spring jpa instead of: public interface messagerepository extends jparepository<message, long> { list<message> findbyreceivedatebetween(date from, date to); } i must use: public interface messagerepository extends jparepository<message, long> { list<message> findbyreceivedatebetweenanduser(date from, date to, us...

css - bootstrap - dropdown options don't change design -

i working on implementing bootstrap 3.3.5 on existing website. among other things, i'm going on form elements , add/change classes bootstrap's ones. simply, taking code: <select id="mylist"> <option>...</option> </select> and having that: <select id="mylist" class="form-control"> <option>...</option> </select> therefore, when dealing dropdown lists (select elements), add/change class "form-control" on each of them. in cases, select element turns bootstrap look, options inside list stay "regular". i'm not talking changing normal list element div "dropdownmenu" classes , on, change classes on existing elements, described. in such case, aren't inside options supposed change also, select element does?? if so, missing here prevents these options change also??

java - How to write the if condition for this situation? -

i need set error password field condition "only 2~22 characters , symbols , _ - allowed." but little stuck here. here got far: if( !(edittext.length() >= 2 && edittext.length() <= 22 ) || !(edittext.contains("-") || edittext.contains("_") || edittext.contains(",")) ) { //set error message } but problem if input symbol other , _ or -, error message still doesn't show. input length, error message shows should though. in java, use : edittext.matches("^[a-za-z,_\\-]{2,22}$");

css - How to add shadow to rounded corners -

i trying add shadow circle using box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 10px black; , comes square border . how can add shadow circle. .circle { position: relative; display: block; margin: 2em 0; background-color: transparent; color: #fff; text-align: center; width: 40%; margin: 0 auto; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 10px black; } .circle:after { display: block; padding-bottom: 100%; width: 100%; height: 0; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #1e73be; content: ""; } .circle__inner { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .circle__wrapper { display: table; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .circle__content { display: table-cell; padding: 1em; vertical-align: middle; } <div class="circle"> <div class="circle__inner"> <div class="circle__wrapper"> <div class="circle__content">t...

javascript - AngularJS - How to display message "Loading..." while the content is being loaded? -

i found threads topic on so, looks way of loading data isn't best. this how controller looks like: app.controller("postsctrl", ['$scope', '$http', '$resource', 'posts', 'post', '$location', '$modal', '$timeout', function($scope, $http, $resource, posts, post, $location, $modal, $timeout) { $scope.posts = posts.query(); ... add/edit/delete code when page loaded, data db not displayed immediately. how display there loading... message? i've tried using <div ng-if="loading">loading...</div> in view , $scope.loading = true; $scope.posts = posts.query(); $scope.loading = false; in angularjs controller, doesn't seems working. i've noticed $scope.posts = posts.query(); executed every time when there's call controller. is (or angularjs) way solve matter? thank in advance. what about $scope.loading = true; $scope.posts = posts.query(func...

php - How to access xampp server? -

i installed xampp server in rackspace cloud server. want access local pc, accessing web server through ip , coding & executing. solution grateful received. if want connect remote server local machine, can use putty - here brief tutorial on how use it: or can search one. there many articles putty.

javascript - How to make BootstrapDialog movable on mobile -

i'm using make dialog, on mobile phones dialog larger screen size. on desktop when change width same size mobile, can drag dialog header using mouse, can't done on mobile. this screen size. the dialog after being dragged left. is there way make dialog dragable on mobile? or there better solution? edit i tried reproduce problem using simpler setup, shows different css used on .modal-dialog : the problem: the simpler setup: and know problem css' min-width property. hack replacing property when creating bootstrapdialog onshown: function() { $('.modal-dialog').css('min-width', 'auto'); } for dialog sizes think answered in comments. dragging dialog around [ draggable : true ] on mobiles must change little bit in sourcecode. bootstrap3-dialog not respond mobile events such touchstart , touchend , touchmove { reference } . take @ code line 1080 : https://gith...

machine learning - Difference between feature selection, clustering ,dimensionality reduction algorithm -

could indicate difference between feature selection , clustering , dimensionality reduction algorithms? feature selection algorithms: allows find predominant variables either best represent data or best parameters indicate class eg : gbm / lasso clustering helps indicate clusters of variables define output isnt same dimensionality reduction algorithm? doesn't feature selection + clustering same dimensionality reduction algorithms? feature selection: in machine learning , statistics, feature selection, known variable selection, attribute selection or variable subset selection, process of selecting subset of relevant features (variables, predictors) use in model construction. clustering: cluster analysis or clustering task of grouping set of objects in such way objects in same group (called cluster) more similar (in sense or another) each other in other groups (clusters). dimensionality reduction: in machine learning , statistics,...

java - Why does this switch statement not work? -

this question has answer here: what's difference between next() , nextline() methods scanner class? 10 answers import java.util.scanner; public class verticalwire { public static void main(string[] args) { scanner in = new scanner(; system.out.println("how many wires"); string howmanywires =; switch(howmanywires) { case "3": { system.out.println("true"); break; } case "3 5": { system.out.println("false");break;} } } } i tested if enter "3 5" returns true though think should return false! wrong? use in.nextline() instead of . documentation of states that finds , returns n...

batch file to track information and open external excel 2010 file with vba -

i writing batch file when run captures windows login, date, , time. place counter in batch tracks if batch file opened , increments 1 if answer second question (in bold) "y". if counter = 1 message displays message along username, date, , time (in italics). if answer either of questions "n" "goodbye" displayed , batch closes. getting syntax errors , need help. thank :). new batch file @echo off :: ask user :choice set /p c=has check been done [y/n] if /i %c%==y ( set /p c=do want send dose report[y/n]? ) :: count loop set var1=0 :loop set /a var1=%var1%+1 if %var1% equ 1 ( goto :end ) else ( goto :loop ) :end echo "the dose report has been sent %username% on %date% @ %time%" else if /i not %c% ==n goto goodbye if /i %c%==y ( "l:\ngs\hla lab\total quality management\qc & qa\dose reports\dose reporting form.xlsm" ) else if /i not %c%==n goto goodbye :goodbye echo "goodbye" timeout 2 /nobreak exit end cu...

php - Escaping special characters while storing JSON as string in Redis -

i trying store json data in redis through php, testing through redis-cli command line client. in both clients, seem unable store json without escaping somehow. redis> set test1 {"array":[1,2,3],"number":123,"object":{"a":"b","c":"d","e":"f"},"string":"hello world"} invalid argument(s) doesn't work. redis> set test1 '{"array":[1,2,3],"number":123,"object":{"a":"b","c":"d","e":"f"},"string":"hello world"}' invalid argument(s) tried single quotes. doesn't work. redis> set test1 \{\"array\"\:\[1\,2\,3\]\,\"number\"\:123\,\"object\"\:\{\"a\"\:\"b\"\,\"c\"\:\"d\"\,\"e\"\:\"f\"\},\"string\"\:\...

ios - "Core Data could not fulfill a fault for..." -

my app in app store now. 2 users got lot of crashes. track them crashlytics. screenshots issue following: core data not fulfill fault for... wlwishlist what mean? sth wrong wlwishlist or objects relationships wlwishlist ? can me debug this? below line 82 file when crash appeared: that nsobjectinaccessibleexception should give clue, should coredata not fulfill fault ... /wlwishlist/... . somewhere create instance of wlwishlist nsmanagedobject subclass. might creating instance directly or perhaps related entity other managed object. particular instance fault; it's properties have not yet been loaded persistent store should retrievable on demand. expected persistent store able fulfill fault , provide values of object's properties. in case not possible , persistent store throws exception. one way might happen if attempt fulfill fault object has been deleted persistent store. without knowing more application doing it's impossible how got situ...

react native - How to modified the title/leftButton/rightButton on the navigation bar of a NavigatorIOS after the scene is shown? -

one direction call setstate of navigatorios , make rerender new title/leftbutton/right. however, in context of scene, it's not naturally ok touch navigatorios, since in props there no ref it. another direction try method such put/replace/... on props.navigator, change navigation stack. replace method seems right choice, nothing happened when call it. you can @ navigatoriosexample of react native. the component replaced, there no way change right button or title of current route.

java - Questions about code error detected by eclipse and creating objects to run the methods -

i newbie in java. trying create class named database read text file create array. there no main method in code since have java file acts main application, , has main method. here code: public class database { public static string[][] items = new string[20][3]; public static string[][] fillarray(string myfile) { textfileinput in = new textfileinput(myfile); for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { string line =in.readline(); stringtokenizer token = new stringtokenizer(line, ","); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { items[i][j] = token.nexttoken(); } } in.close(); return items; } public static string getname(string code) { for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { if (code.equals(items[i][0])) return items[i][1]; } } public static string getprice(string code) { for(int i=0; i<20;...

list - How to translate english to swedish using dictionary in python -

i using following code, showing error - index out of range english=["merry", "christmas", "and", "happy", "new", "year"] swedish=["god","jul","och","gott","nytt","år"] dict = {english[n]: swedish[n] n in range(len(english))}#dictionary trans_list=[]#list save translated words def trans(list): n=0 word1 in list: word2 in english: if word1==word2: trans_list[n]=dict[word2] n=n+1 print trans_list list2=[] list =["merry", "christmas", "and", "happy", "new", "year"] trans(list) here approach problem: english = ["merry", "christmas", "and", "happy", "new", "year"] swedish = ["god", "jul", ...

datetime - Python convert integer to date -

this question has answer here: how convert given ordinal number (from excel) date 2 answers i have list of integers , need convert date using python . 42222 should 8/6/2015 42290 should 10/13/2015 42319 should 11/11/2015 i equal date of integer when i paste in excel format cell date . excel dates start counting around year 1900. it: from datetime import datetime, timedelta def xldate_to_datetime(xldate): tempdate = datetime(1900, 1, 1) deltadays =timedelta(days=int(xldate)-2) thetime = (tempdate + deltadays ) return thetime.strftime("%m/%d/%y") >>> xldate_to_datetime(42290) '10/13/2015'

User Profile is not opening using user LinkedIn Id for different user at the time login in native LinkedIn app in android -

i implementing linkedin integration in android application. have requirement open user profile on android native app using linkedin numeric id of user. have done successfully, problem when logged out linkedin native app , open native app android application using user linkedin numeric id, redirecting login screen , after login suppose user a's credentials , wants open user b's profile using id, profile of user a's opening want open user b's profile. please suggest me, how can implement ?

python - Item assignment in a nested list -

i'm trying change item in nested list. thought straightforward. have following: temp = [1, 2, 3, 4] my_list = [temp in xrange(4)] print "my_list = ", my_list out: my_list = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]] so normal list of lists. want access 1 item: print my_list[0][1] out: 2 as expected. problem comes when changing item. want change item in my_list[0][1], following: my_list[0][1]= "a" print my_list out: [[1, 'a', 3, 4], [1, 'a', 3, 4], [1, 'a', 3, 4], [1, 'a', 3, 4]] why changing 4 positions, instead of one? how avoid it? since lists mutable objects when repeat list inside 1 made list of same objects (all of them point 1 memory address),for getting rid of problem need copy nested lists in each iteration : >>> temp = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> my_list = [temp[:] in xrange(4)] >>> my_list[0][1]= "a" >>> print my_list [[1, 'a', 3, 4],...

javascript - Angular - Next Tab Button -

using base build tabs angular.module('tabsapp', []) .controller('tabsctrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.tabs = [{ title: 'one', url: 'one.tpl.html' }, { title: 'two', url: 'two.tpl.html' }, { title: 'three', url: 'three.tpl.html' }]; $scope.currenttab = 'one.tpl.html'; $scope.onclicktab = function (tab) { $scope.currenttab = tab.url; } $scope.isactivetab = function(taburl) { return taburl == $scope.currenttab; } }]) and trying implement 'proceed' , 'go back' tab buttons, rather clicking directly on 1 wish visit. was wondering if possible implement like $scope.nextbutton = function(tab) { $scope.currenttab = $scope.tabs[tab].next.url } where wish place next button not in ng-repeat='tab in tabs' so unsure how pass in current tab! any appreciat...

ruby - Search and save a line containing a set of chars from an array -

i'm using readlines() read data 2 arrays, , need specific line. problem: i'm not sure string or array method use specific line containing '...blah' (my class' line/name of group.) i prefer not save entire file content these 2 variables if possible. i'd rather "search" through file , save 2 specific lines need student_info , class_usernames . student_info = file.readlines ('/etc/passwd') class_usernames = file.readlines ('/etc/group') you use detect on array: student_info = file.readlines('/etc/passwd').detect { |s| s.include?('...blah') } class_usernames = file.readlines('/etc/group').detect { |s| s =~ /\.\.\.blah/ } and btw please not use whitespace between method name , parameter list.

javascript - How to re-blink a div using css? -

this question has answer here: how re-trigger webkit css animation via javascript? 8 answers i know can use below css blink div number of times specified: html: <div class="blink">blinking text</div> css: @-webkit-keyframes blinker { 0% { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.0; } 100% { opacity: 1.0; } } @-moz-keyframes blinker { 0% { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.0; } 100% { opacity: 1.0; } } .blink { -webkit-animation: blinker 1s 5; -moz-animation: blinker 1s 5; animation: blinker 1s 5; } by using css way, div blink after page loaded without calling js function. if want re-blink div after user press button? there's no function call on "onclick". <button onclick="">blink again!</button> any idea how it? jsfiddle you need remove class 'blink' add again, in order restart css anim...

android - How programmatically know that recyclerview is scrolled position is bottom of recyclerview to execute following function -

which statement should put in "recyclerview_position_is_bottem" satisfy condition recyclerview position bottem execute function recyclerview.addonscrolllistener(new recyclerview.onscrolllistener() { @override public void onscrolled(recyclerview recyclerview, int dx, int dy) { super.onscrolled(recyclerview, dx, dy); if (recyclerview_position_is_bottem){ isscrolled=0; skip = skip + 5; remove = 1; feeditems.add(null); eventsrecyclerview.notifyiteminserted(feeditems.size()); handler.postdelayed(new runnable() { @override public void run() { loadmore(eventsrecyclerview,1); } ...

google apps script - Using the makeCopy with DriveApp -

my code use work since couple of weeks im having trouble. first defined moovefile function: function moovefile(file,folder,source,copynamefile){ var newfile = file.makecopy(copynamefile, folder); source.removefile(file); logger.log(source.getfiles().length); return newfile.geturl(); } then im calling function later in script: if (statutfile=="validé") { var fichiersj=foldersource.getfilesbyname(libelefile); while (fichiers.hasnext()) { var fichiersj =;} var urlfichierval = moovefilde(fichiersj,foldervalid,foldersource,nomfichier); sheetform.getrange(i+1,23).setvalue("deplacé"); if (typefichier == "devis") { sheetform.getrange(i+1,34).setvalue(urlfichierval);} if (etatlien !="lien modifiée") { var urlfichiervalide = urlfichierval; var hyp = '"'+urlfichiervalide+'"'; var ...

SQL Server - Orders By Client with 1 minute difference -

i have table 3 columns clientid | orderid | createddate 1 | 1 | 2015-10-27 10:00:00 1 | 2 | 2015-10-27 10:00:30 2 | 3 | 2015-10-27 10:30:30 3 | 4 | 2015-10-27 10:35:00 3 | 5 | 2015-10-27 10:35:45 3 | 6 | 2015-10-27 12:30:00 i want count number of orders same client inserted (more or less) in same minute. this way expected result be clientid | count(orderid) 1 | 2 2 | 1 3 | 2 3 | 1 i've tried using inner join wasn't able it. suggestions? try this: create table #myorders ( clientid int, orderid int, createddate datetime ) insert #myorders values (1,1,'2015-10-27 10:00:00'), (1,2,'2015-10-27 10:00:30'), (2,3,'2015-10-27 10:30:30'), (3,4,'2015-10-27 10:35:00'), (3,5,'2015-10-27 10:35:45'), (3,6,'2015-10-27 12:30:00') select clientid, count(*) [count(orderid)] #myorders group clientid, dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, createddate), 0) this giv...

java - Wildfly resource adapter for Websphere MQ connection definition -

i trying connect websphere mq wildfly 9, have added resource adapter in standalone-full.xml i getting error: 16:03:58,387 warn [] (msc service thread 1-1) ij020017: invalid archive: file:/c:/java/wf9/ content-5c7db729978cd59e/contents/ 16:03:58,389 info [] (msc service thread 1-4) ij020001: required license terms file:/c:/java/wf9/ 6e876dab356a/content-5c7db729978cd59e/contents/ 16:03:58,395 warn [] (msc service thread 1-4) ij020009: invalid connection definition class-name: javax.jms.connectionfactory 16:03:58,399 warn [] (msc service thread 1-4) ij020009: invalid connection definition class-name: javax.jms.connectionfactory 16:03:58,400 warn [org.j...

c# - Speed up console application, Concurrency? Parralell Programming? -

i have following (simplified) console application: directoryinfo d = new directoryinfo(@"d:\test"); fileinfo[] files = d.getfiles("*.txt"); foreach(fileinfo file in files ) { //do } there 200+ files in filefolder. processing of each file take 15 minutes. my question is, possible me use concurrency/parallel programming process more on file @ time? the kind of thing thinking is, start number of threads? , each 1 of them process every 5th or file in files list. all file processing totally independent, no risk of race condition. if possible, there limits how many threads can start, or other limitations. the kind of work done load contents of each file generic list, process , iterate through list numerous times it seems it's job parallel.foreach . provide true parallelization because can schedule each iteration different cpu core. if possible, there limits how many threads can start, or other limitations. i wouldn't spawn h...

Java Swing Worker for Progress Bar - UI remains unresponsive for a long time -

i developed application on windows using java, swing (window builder). on button click, application go class ( file) count total number of files in input folder (meanwhile progressbar in indeterminate mode). once number of files known, progressbar maximum value set. then call converttoxls(filemgr) read through content of each file (1 kb) , update progressbar each file read. here code it: public class xmltoxl { public static void main(string[] args) { javax.swing.swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() { public void run() { xmltoxl window = new xmltoxl(); window.frame.setvisible(true); } }); private void initialize() { ...... ui code ........ btnconvertxmlto.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { try { preconverttoxls(); ta...