
Showing posts from January, 2011

java - Runnable Jar file is not running on double click -

i have simple java project, has file code goes - package com.src.functionalities; import java.util.scanner; public class input { public static void main(string[] args) { // todo auto-generated method stub scanner reader = new scanner(; // reading system.out.println("enter number: "); int n = reader.nextint(); // scans next token of input int. system.out.println("you have provided : " + n); } } now, have created executable jar file in eclipse export -> jar -> executable jar file , named jar file test.jar. now, when try open via command prompt, works fine. java -jar test.jar but, expecting open command prompt when double click on runnable jar file. problem here? thanks! that because jvm expects app have gui, app strictly console app. if don't have gui, nothing happens, since jvm not invoke windows console. either make batch file j

c++ - unordered_map iterator iterates to null pointer, defying possibility -

i storing bunch of dummy objects in unordered_map, , iterating through delete them. somehow, comes out key value pairing value null pointer, though i'm pretty sure not possible. each of objects make houses part of large string construct randomly. make sure hand constructor of object @ least 5 characters of string. here code: delete function bool delete_objects(){ serial.println("deleting objects in 'store'"); for(auto iter = store.begin(); iter != store.end(); iter++) { serial.println("\ndeleting following element: \n"); serial.print("key: "); serial.println(iter->first); delay(1000); serial.print("value: "); serial.println(iter->second->showmewhatyougot()); delay(1000); delete iter->second; iter->second = nullptr; store.erase(iter); } if(store.empty()) return true; else return false; }

oracle - Sqlplus default login and password? -

i installed sqlplus via ubuntu documentation . default login , password credentials? following documentation, tried sqlplus username/password@//dbhost:1521/sid have investigated similar questions below, none of solutions have been successful me. oracle tns: net service name incorrecly specified how come sqlplus not connecting? i have tried testuser / password credentials sqlplus64 username/password@//dbhost:1521/sid sql*plus: release production on wed oct 14 23:08:13 2015 copyright (c) 1982, 2014, oracle. rights reserved. error: ora-12154: tns:could not resolve connect identifier specified enter user-name: testuser enter password: error: ora-12162: tns:net service name incorrectly specified enter user-name: how login, i'm sorry comments don't make sense me, please write out example, should 1sqlpus 64 username/password@//dbhost:1521/` ?

layout - PyQt4 QHBoxLayout cell size issue -

i using pyqt4 qhboxlayout creat window multiply frame, here part of code def initui(self): hbox = qtgui.qhboxlayout(self) topleft = qtgui.qframe(self) topleft.setframeshape(qtgui.qframe.styledpanel) topright = qtgui.qframe(self) topright.setframeshape(qtgui.qframe.styledpanel) bottom = qtgui.qframe(self) bottom.setframeshape(qtgui.qframe.styledpanel) splitter1 = qtgui.qsplitter(qtcore.qt.horizontal) splitter1.addwidget(topleft) splitter1.addwidget(topright) splitter2 = qtgui.qsplitter(qtcore.qt.vertical) splitter2.addwidget(splitter1) splitter2.addwidget(bottom) hbox.addwidget(splitter2) self.setlayout(hbox) self.setgeometry(300, 300, 300, 200) self.setwindowtitle('qtgui.qsplitter') but output seems wired, because toplift , topright frame squeezed, wondering if there solve problem make height of toplift , topright same height of bottom. from qt doc , qsplitte

c - How to free an array of structs -

i have struct complex , struct complex_set (a set of complex numbers) , have "constructor" , "destructor" functions alloc_set , free_set . my problem is, following error in second iteration of loop in free_set : malloc: *** error object 0x1001054f0: pointer being freed not allocated what correct way deinitialize complex_set ? i'm wondering whether *points property of complex_set needs freed calling free on first point (and free rest) or freeing each element separately? or have done wrong in initialisation? here's code: typedef struct complex complex; typedef struct complex_set complex_set; struct complex { double a; double b; }; struct complex_set { int num_points_in_set; complex *points; // array of struct complex }; struct complex_set *alloc_set(complex c_arr[], int size) { complex_set *set = (complex_set *) malloc(sizeof(complex_set)); set->num_points_in_set = size; // think may use pointer c_arr '*points&#

base36 - Python: converting base 10 to base 36 -

i'm trying convert decimal base 36 (...8,9,a,b,c...x,y,z,10,11...) when run code bunch of floats instead of integers. def trc(n): if (n < 0): print(0, end='') elif (n<=1): print(n, end='') else: trc( n / 36 ) x =(n%36) if (x < 10): print(x, end='') else: print(chr(x+87), end='') i based code off of this . in python 3, / operator floating point division, when both arguments integers. change python 2, dividing 2 integers discard fractional part. you can explicitly request integer division using // operator. result rounded towards negative infinity. or, since you're calculating modulus, use divmod them both @ same time: else: n, x = divmod(n, 36) trc(n) if x < 10: # ...

objective c - Thread 1 : EXC_BAD_ACCESS When Trying To Access Pointer -

i getting error , don't have idea how solve it. i searched through stack similar problem mine. it's memory management problem. when check debug window(beside log window, sorry don't know it's called), noticed value pointed pointers null. how can retain them? please help. thanks pass float value in colorwithred: uicolor *bgcolor = [uicolor colorwithred:(float) green:(float) blue:(float) alpha:(float)]; pass float value in palce of passing pointer type . hope helps .

c# - Correct way to store very large integers with maximum performance? -

so working on game in store large numbers, in trillions , quadrillions (a progression type game, la clicker heroes, doing fun). anyway, c# appears have 32-bit limit on integers, however, can floats very large (eg. 999999999999999.0f) however, fastest way store large numbers in c#? i not need accuracy, floating point-type solutions fine. need speed , ability store large integers. is bigint library way go? how recommend going this? anyway, c# appears have 32-bit limit on integers, however, can floats very large (eg. 999999999999999.0f) this categorically false. c# has long , ulong types correspond .net's int64 , uint64 types, both 64-bit integers represent number-ranges: int64 : -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 uint64: 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. that's: eighteen quintillion , 4 hundred , forty 6 quadrillion, 7 hundred , forty 4 trillion, seventy-three billion, 7 hundred , 9 million, 5 hundred

php - Trying to compare DateTime objects and its wrong, why? -

$dtstart=new datetime($item["start"]["datetime"]); $dtend =new datetime($item["end"]["datetime"]); $dtstgoogle= new datetime($event->start->datetime); $dtstgoogle->settimezone(new datetimezone("america/chicago")); $dtendgoogle=new datetime($event->end->datetime); $dtendgoogle->settimezone(new datetimezone("america/chicago")); $dtdiffstart=$dtstart->diff($dtstgoogle); $dtdiffend=$dtend->diff($dtendgoogle); i using php 5.6.13 , 5.6.14 try compare them , result either true or false regardless of value. if ($dtdiffend) { printf("<br> start date time different %d %d %d %d %d %d ",$dtdiffstart->m,$dtdiffstart->d,$dtdiffstart->y,$dtdiffstart->h,$dtdiffstart->m,$dtdiffstart->s);} incorrect if (!$dtdiffend) { same above} incorrect if ($dtstart!=$dtstartgoogle) {same above} incorrect if ($dtstart!==$dtstartgoogle) {same above} incorrect

common lisp - How to clear string with fill pointer? -

here's example saw @ hyperspec : (setq fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) (with-output-to-string (s fstr) (format s "here's output")) so fstr holds here's output q: how simple clear/reset on fstr in case want start on , put new in it, is, not concatenate more onto it? or have redo top expression fstr being set up? set fill pointer : cl-user 3 > (setq fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) "" cl-user 4 > (with-output-to-string (s fstr) (format s "here's output")) nil cl-user 5 > fstr "here's output" cl-user 6 > (setf (fill-pointer fstr) 0) 0 cl-user 7 > fstr "" cl-user 8 > (with-output-to-string (s fstr) (format s "here's more output")) nil cl-user 9 > fstr "

r - Counting co-occurence of strings in lists of lists -

assume have list of lists follows: $`1` [1] "john" [2] "maria" $`2` [1] "john" [2] "maria" $`3` [1] "john" [2] "carlos" then trying figure out names have occurred together, in sublist. i.e. "john" , "maria" occurred twice, sublists names should score of 2, whereas "john" , "carlos" occurred once , should score of 1. expected out put be: $`1` [1] 2 $`2` [1] 2 $`3` [1] 1 also, assume there unlimited number of names in each sublist. key identify instances 2 names occur more once, , give them additional "point" each time co-occur. i first generate pairs of names in lists using lapply combn : (pdat <- lapply(dat, function(x) { y <- combn(sort(x), 2) paste(y[1,], y[2,]) })) # [[1]] # [1] "john maria" # # [[2]] # [1] "john maria" # # [[3]] # [1] "carlos john" then generate number of each pair table , unlist : (

php - Laravel 4.2 log files not being created -

after resolving error causing log files explode (2+ gb log files full of same exception log), deleted affected log files avoid having eat unnecessary space. error couple of days old, , affected multiple log files. since deleting log files, however, looks if laravel has stopped logging anything. daily log day made deletion seems have stopped logging @ moment deleted older daily files, , no new daily files have been created since. i've rerun composer install, artisan dump-autoload, artisan clear-compiled, , artisan cache:clear, no avail. permission settings fine near can tell, , assigned correct user. there no configuration changes made @ all, literally difference in deleting old daily log files. can point me in right direction this? can provide more information necessary if i'm missing relevant. turns out wasn't logging error @ all; turns out problem cron scheduler got disabled , key processes weren't running. different problem solve, glad know didn

jquery - Unable to pass data to php using ajax -

first echo images set id php function. im tyring id value jquery click function , pass php function, unfortunately undefined index error. can reason in xampp config or else? becasuse code seems "right". jquery $(function postimgid() { $('img').click(function() { var imgid = $(this).attr('id'); $.post('functions.php', {postid:imgid}, function(data) { $('#content').html(data); console.log(imgid); }); }); }); php function showplayer() { $number =''; $number = $_post['postid']; if(isset($_post['postid'])) { echo "<h2>"; echo $_post['postid']; echo "</h2>"; } } try: put in click function: var imgid = $(this).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "functions.php", data: &#

android - How to store the arrarylist values into sqlitedb? -

i had stored numbers in phone arraylist need store numbers sqlitedb, can convert them excel sheet easily. list list = new arraylist(); string number = cur.getstring(cur.getcolumnindex(; list.add(number); try method store phobne number public static void storeindb(arraylist longs) throws ioexception, sqlexception { bytearrayoutputstream bout = new bytearrayoutputstream(); dataoutputstream dout = new dataoutputstream(bout); (long l : longs) { dout.writelong(l); } dout.close(); byte[] asbytes = bout.tobytearray(); preparedstatement stmt = null; // this... stmt.setbytes(1, asbytes); stmt.executeupdate(); stmt.close(); } public static arraylist readfromdb() throws ioexception, sqlexception { arraylist<long> longs = new arraylist<long>(); resultset rs = null; // this... while ( { byte[] asbytes = rs.getbytes("mylongs"); bytearrayinputstream bin = new bytearrayinputstream(a

javascript - How to filter in CKEditor? -

how guys doing? i doing applying ckeditor corp's editor. it's been great though i've got stuck in problem. i expect best when paste other contents web or word, blocks me doing kind of inline style tag, such 'p style....' since won't take style away viewer doesn't seem keep same form. i found out filter.js perfect solution it. there doesn't seem way can handle in ide since doesn't exist. how can find file called 'filter.js' or other plug-in can handle other way. url help. thanks. have make new file called filter.js can edit on own. confused. hope nice solution it. thanks. ckeditor has robust content filtering system called acf (advanced content filter). read more here:!/guide/dev_acf , see samples here: . it's highly flexible can customize needs.

javascript - AngularJS replaced directive on specific pages? -

i have index.html main view , 2 directive, on site header , 1 footer: <div class="site"> <!-- header --> <header pb-ds-header pb-fixed-navbar></header> <!-- content --> <div ui-view="" class="view-animate site-content" autoscroll="false"></div> <!-- footer --> <footer pb-ds-footer></footer> </div> the header directive is (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('app').directive('pbdsheader', function() { return { restrict: 'a', templateurl: 'modules/main/templates/header.html', controller: 'headercontroller header' }; }); })(); ok, works fine. there few pages there no header required, here use body class hide header. however, have several pages need display different header template rest of site has. whats best way this? to this, you'd use ui-router's named views : <di

django templates - how to render tenjin_template in django1.6 -

here view renders tenjin_template in django. gives me error init () takes 1 argument (2 given) here code def get(self, request): voucher_request = voucher.objects.all() context = requestcontext(request, { 'voucher_request': voucher_request, }) return self.tenjin_response("billing/voucher.html", context) i got answer of above question: def get(self,*args, **kwargs): voucher_request = voucher.objects.all() if voucher_request == manage_raise: return self.permission_exception() context = { 'voucher_request': voucher.objects.all(), } return self.tenjin_response("billing/voucher.html", context)

android - ADB lock screen with broken screen ( Pattern) -

my phone ( android 5.0.2) have pattern password , broken screen,no rooted. i try software ( )for control phone can't unlock android device. can give solution delete lock screen (i have tried -> adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key don't have permission)/others tools or others solutions? you can remove lock or pattern deleting file *.key located in /data/system. you need shell , rooted phone. otherwise, install clockworkmod recovery comes adb shell , use full access file system. hope helps.

cordova - Cannot connect to Youtube Data API V3 with javascript -

so i'm building phonegap app , need access youtube's data api. managed access simple api (the 1 requires api key) yet i'm having trouble connecting oauth . i did walkthrough guides told me do, have generated client id web application . i'm using auth.js file example @ google developers website the main issue every time try log in, error: refused display ' ' in frame because set 'x-frame-options' 'sameorigin'. i tried clearing cookies no avail. run on localhost visual studio, maybe has that? ok, after spending time on figured out problem was. on when created oauth 2.0 client id there "authorized javascript origins" field left blank. since running localhost, added http://localhost:28299 list of safe origins , worked fine. of course development phase.

Oracle: Cursor in a Procedure -

please me oracle procedure question. in package have procedure , want declare cursor uses dynamic queries. type doclist ref cursor; curdoclist doclist; . . . open curdoclist v_sql; --v_sql has dynamic sql ... recdocstatuslist in curdoclist loop when trying use - recdocstatuslist in curdoclist giving me error: [error] pls-00221 (2262: 34): pls-00221: 'curdoclist' not procedure or undefined. please me correcting issue. if you're willing iterate cursor, can perform without using loop. option 1: loop fetch curdoclist recdocstatuslist; exit when curdoclist%notfound; ... end loop; option 2: fetch curdoclist recdocstatuslist; while (curdoclist%found) loop ... fetch curdoclist recdocstatuslist; end loop; a few annotations: remember declare recdocstatuslist @ first. both options following open ... line. don't forget close cursor @ end.

java - How can I update a broadcast variable in spark streaming? -

i have, believe, relatively common use case spark streaming: i have stream of objects filter based on reference data initially, thought simple thing achieve using broadcast variable : public void startsparkengine { broadcast<referencedata> refdatabroadcast = sparkcontext.broadcast(getrefdata()); final javadstream<myobject> filteredstream = objectstream.filter(obj -> { final referencedata refdata = refdatabroadcast.getvalue(); return obj.getfield().equals(refdata.getfield()); } filteredstream.foreachrdd(rdd -> { rdd.foreach(obj -> { // final processing of filtered objects }); return null; }); } however, albeit infrequently, my reference data change periodically i under impression modify , re-broadcast variable on driver , propagated each of workers, broadcast object not serializable , needs final . what alternatives have? 3 solutions can think of are: move reference

node.js - Problems installing Grunt.js -

been @ couple nights now, trying grunt.js work on mac. i've installed homebrew, node.js, npm... when try install grunt-cli error. im running in terminal: npm install -g grunt-cli the error -bash: npm: command not found i've been searching forever trying figure out means. i've deleted instances of node find , re-installed. when run npm -v -bash: npm: command not found what going on? need help. thank you. update: turns out had reinstall node , make sure file paths correct again. - SignalR keep alive timeout -

from signalr wiki there section on reconnecting event reconnecting client event. raised when (a) transport api detects connection lost, or (b) keepalive timeout period has passed since last message or keepalive ping received. signalr client code begins trying reconnect. can handle event if want application take action when transport connection lost. the default keepalive timeout period 20 seconds. the section on timeouts tells 3 configuration values i.e. disconnecttimeout,keepalive & connectiontimeout. my question is, if want decrease keepalive value say, 5 seconds or increase say, 30 seconds, keep alive timeout, after client starts reconnect change automatically or still default 20 seconds mentioned above? if no, there way set keep alive timeout via code?

html - what is wrong using <b> and separation of logic -

i got comment question form tobia tesan can't msg in here. php echo vs return, way better? he suggest me change <span class="wuuk_time"> instead of using <b> , you'll define in css file, achieving separation of database logic, output logic , presentation/styling. first, bad using <b> ? second, how separation of database logic, output logic , presentation/styling? use css. not separation of logic , output? it's matter of 'best practices'. avoiding inline styling, such use of <b> tag done improve readability. can reuse class "wuuk_time" throughout html later, see fit. moreover, if change styling italicized instead of bold example, easier change "wuuk_time" class reflect desired changes throughout webpage opposed hunting down individual <b> tags in html. readability, maintainability.

c - difference of compiler between macOS and linux? -

i learning c language, , school put assignments on myth, every time have log in ssh , execute command remotely. want download files , execute them on own macbook. when use make command compile files, got errors , warnings such : gcc -g -o0 -std=gnu99 -wall $warnflags -m32 -c -i. vectest.c -o vectest.o warning: unknown warning option '-wlogical-op'; did mean '-wlong-long'? vectest.c:10:10: fatal error: 'error.h' file not found #include <error.h>” i googled these problems not find satisfactory answer. can me solve ? or have use linux machine instead? indeed; compilers various platforms (even if it's "same" compiler, such gcc) may have different flags , behaviors. may able work - remove -wlogical-op flag $warnflags in makefile , if error.h file system-supplied header file, you're in trouble. therefore, suggest download e.g. virtualbox , run linux on it.

absolute - jquery return element to its original position -

i'm trying make div expand upward on hover, return original height on mouseout. pretty simple. div positioned absolute, bottom: 0, clings bottom of parent. catch don't have control on length of content in div, top value set auto. therefore, need calculate actual top position, pass value second function in hover(), handles mouseout animations, in order restore original height. $('#blog3 .blog-grid li').hover( function () { // mouse on // calculate .content-box top position var offset = $(this).find(".content-box").offset().top - $(this).find(".content-box").parent().offset().top; // darken box $(this).find(".content-box").css("background-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)").animate({ queue: false, duration: 500 }); // expand content div $(this).find(".content-box").stop(true,true).animate({ top: 0, }, {

javascript - Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND www.googletagmanager.js -

when try hybrid application on chrome, can see google tag manager working fine when trying on device getting error on console. failed load resource: net::err_file_not_found www.googletagmanager.js?id=gtm how fix it?

data structures - Greedy Algorithm for Finding Min Set of Intervals that Overlap All Other Intervals -

i'm learning greedy algorithms , came across problem i'm not sure how tackle. given set of intervals (a,b) start time , end time b, give greedy algorithm returns minimum amount of intervals overlap every other interval in set. example if had: (1,4) (2,3) (5,8) (6,9) (7,10) i return (2,3) , (7,8) since these 2 intervals cover every interval in set. have right this: sort intervals increasing end time push interval smallest end time onto stack if interval (a,b) overlaps interval on top of stack (c,d) (so less d) if a<=c keep (c,d). else update interval on top of stack (a,d) if interval (a,b) not overlap interval on top of stack (c,d) push (a,b) onto stack at end stack contains desired intervals , should run in o(n) time my question is: how algorithm greedy? i'm struggling concepts. maybe have right , maybe don't, if do, can't figure out greedy rule is/should be. edit: valid point made below, should have been clearer about. (7,8) works instead of

java - MouseMotionListener showing (x,y) offset -

first of all, here related code: canvas = new canvaspanel(); canvas.setbackground(color.white); canvas.addmouselistener(new pointlistener()); canvas.addmousemotionlistener(new pointlistener()); jsplitpane sp = new jsplitpane(jsplitpane.horizontal_split, leftpanel, canvas); class canvaspanel extends jpanel { public void paintcomponent(graphics page) { super.paintcomponent(page); if (mousedragged == true) { page.drawrect(x1, y1, x3, y3); canvas.repaint(); } } } class pointlistener implements mouselistener, mousemotionlistener { public void mousepressed (mouseevent event) { mousedragged = true; x1 = event.getx(); y1 = event.gety(); } public void mousereleased (mouseevent event) { // code } public void mousedragged(mouseevent event) { x3 = event.getx(); y3 = event.gety(); canvas.repaint(); } so code

sql server - SQL Query to find missing records between two tables that share a key -

just title asks trying find way give me number difference in transactions. question in plain english is: there bad data in database. sales transactions missing data on product , how many sold. salestransaction (table 1) columns: transactionid, customerid, storeid, tdate soldvia (table 2) columns: transactionid, productid, noofitems any on appreciated. if being unclear let me know , provide more info. thank you. this simple left join filtering null s: for missing items in soldvia table: select count(*) difference salestransaction st left join soldvia s on st.transactionid = s.transactionid s.transactionid null for missing items in both tables: select count(*) difference salestransaction st full join soldvia s on st.transactionid = s.transactionid st.transactionid null or s.transactionid null

malloc() memory corruption in C -

malloc() giving me error in following code. used valgrind , still no avail. beginner @ c , team-mate , trying implement sha1 algorithm there none of can understand , have spent hours on this. the function had error in - /* * returns array of chunks on heap message */ static unsigned char **sha1_chunkify(const unsigned char *message, const uint64_t message_length) { long num_chunks = message_length / 64; //breaking down 64 byte chunks printf("%lu %ld\n", message_length, num_chunks); unsigned char **chunks = malloc (num_chunks * sizeof(*chunks)); //error coming on here (int = 0; < num_chunks; i++) { chunks[i] = malloc (64 * sizeof(*chunks[i])); //or on here. (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { chunks[i][j] = message[64 * + j]; } } return chunks; } here gdb output @ lines - 117 printf("%lu %ld\n", message_length, num_chunks); (gdb) 1472 23 118 unsigned char **chunks = (unsigned char **

c# - How to avoid memory exception when reading, creating and sending a very large xml file? -

i working on optimize our code can read, create , send xml file can large in size ( 2gb ). for read , create using xmlreader class. we xml string other service. if store xml string in string variable takes same amount of memory. point aside, please suggest best way deal xml string memory out of bound exception doesn't occur. i can not show code on here due company policies should not matter because code working in case of large xml string giving: memory exception mentioned. explanation : we 2gb xml service. we process using streaming. since need read xml using xmlreader, pass xml in form of string create new xml same size ( 2gb ) byte[] msg = buffer.extractmessage(messagestart, messageend); string msg1 = encoding.utf8.getstring(msg); createnewxmlfilefromthecurrentxmlstring(msg1); we send new xml other service. the best way use normalized , indexed database if that's possible you. getting data using linq should solve problems

jquery - How to remove top / bottom margin from isotope masonry -

i using isotope masonry gallery finding hard remove top / bottom gaps between rows (see image) how can go this? the code i'm using based on following: as mentioned, using code directly url above including javascript , css. html images created using php outputs follows: <div id="gallery-content"> <div id="gallery-content-center"> <div class='wrapper suggestion film later' id='3'> <span class='relevance'> <span class='badge'>87%</span> </span> <img src='cabinet/item/img/3.jpg' class='all film later' alt='film 1'/> <span class='text'><i class='fa fa-check-circle-o btn-icon up'></i&g

javascript - Unable to get function in a page working only in live server -

link mysite: i'm trying login , register. both functions failed. meaning can access pages related functions written in them don't pass through. i checked console, error caught attention was: xmlhttprequest.n.ajaxtransport.k.cors.a.crossdomain.send.b what indicate , how fix?i referred same type of question don't find such typo error in script. jquery / ajax form - serverside php cross domain warning full error thrown: syntaxerror: unexpected end of input @ object.parse (native) @ n.parsejson ( ) @ ub ( ) @ x ( ) @ xmlhttprequest.n.ajaxtransport.k.cors.a.crossdomain.send.b ( )