
Showing posts from January, 2010

c# - CRM Access Team Plug-in -

i have requirement sending email when user added access team regarding opportunity, can't life of me plugin attach right message. have far tried using: associate - none addmembers - team addusertorecordteam - teamtemplate grantaccess - opportunity any appreciated thanks users , teams have n:n relationship in dynamics crm. means there intermediary entity shown below. type entity can found going settings=>customizations=>customize system=>entities=>team=>n:n relationships=>teammembership_association. here can seen relationship entity name in case "teammembership". structure n:n relationship: systemuser n:1 teammembership n:1 team knowing this, try registering plugin on create of teammembership.

java - Order in which values of an enum are constructed -

are there guarantees on order in values of enum constructed? for example, given enum myenum { a, b, c; static list<myenum> list = new arraylist<>(); myenum(){ list.add(this); } } would true list.get(0)==myenum.a , list.get(1)==myenum.b etc., or not necessarily? yes. quoting jls section 8.9.3 (emphasis mine): for each enum constant c declared in body of declaration of e, e has implicitly declared public static final field of type e has same name c. field has variable initializer consisting of c, , annotated same annotations c. these fields implicitly declared in same order corresponding enum constants , before static fields explicitly declared in body of declaration of e. an enum constant said created when corresponding implicitly declared field initialized. side note, code not compile since accessing static list inside initializer. can write instead: static list<myenum> list = new arraylist...

How to add units to Highcharts/Highmaps's last legend/coloraxis? -

i'd add units legend/coloraxis of heatmap. work piece of code: coloraxis: { stops: [ [0, '#c4463a'], [0.7, '#fffbbc'], [1, '#3060cf'] ], labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value + "km2"; } } } but put me "km2" @ each of numbers in legend/coloraxis. however, not sufficient, surely more clean, put once, @ end of last number. legend read: -4000, -2000, 0, 2000 km2 is possible within highcharts/highmaps put unit @ last coloraxis lable? otherwise, need put text item there specifying x/y coordinates, no? here fiddle . thanks hints. use following code : labels: { formatter: function () { if(this.islast) return this.value+"km2"; else return this.value; } } here is upd...

html - Margin hiding link in link behind div -

on our website have div holds content, @ top have image behind content div. div has slideshow has images plugin. in back-end i'm adding links , trying make slides clickable... the problem i've got reason 350px margin have above content box seems blocking link being clicked. this it's being added: #content.homepage { margin-top: 350px; } this slider adding: position: fixed; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 908px; and style on link: display: block; left: 1544px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; height: 100%; width: 1544px; top: 0px; z-index: 99; opacity: 0; transition-property: opacity; transition-duration: 700ms; transition-timing-function: linear; if make #content display:none; the link clickable. if remove padding, link clickable @ bottom of page, behind margin seems unclickable? the link the slider has z-index of -1, maybe part of original slider's functionality. changing higher value allo...

How can i Keep "Enter" in the current line when receiving information from the user in the console by c++? -

int plus(){ int = 0, b = 0; cin >> a; cout << "\b + "; cin >> b; cout<<" = "<<a + b; return a+b;} i want result printed on console in 1 line this: 1+2=3 don't use return this! suggest easy solution you. 3 variables. add c variable keep result. and: cout << <<"+" <<b << "=" << c <<endl; //i see have named function "plus" believe use way. hope helps!

ios - Activity Indicator with loop -

i'm working app has loop lot of work. loop generates bunch of numbers, , puts them in uitableview . want display uiactivityindicatorview when work going on. added activity indicator screen , centered it. @ first, wasn't getting activity indicator display @ all. realized because activity indicator running on same thread loop, , indicator never update while loop running. did research on how create background thread, , came this. self.progressindicator.startanimating() dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_background, 0), { () -> void in var instance = 0; instance < numbercount!; instance++ { //lots of work done in here. items added //collection used populate table view. //takes around 10 seconds execute. } nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().postnotificationname("finishednumbers", object: nil) }); the activity indicator running on main thread, , pro...

Android studio change async task to a handler -

i need change application uses handler rather asynctask run fake download. i've been stuck on while. have tried using samples figure out think notification thread confuses me. doing head in. public class responsive extends appcompatactivity { // 5. declare , populate string array listview items (put directly underneath class declaration) private static final string[] list_items = new string[]{"one", "two", "three", "four"}; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_responsive); // 4. call setupbutton() , setuplistview() oncreate method. setupbutton(); setuplistview(); } @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present. getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } @override public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) {...

java - ClassCastException on JNI function call: CallVoidMethod -

i'm trying call java method native c++ code in android application. when try invoke java method exception occurs. i've looked through several examples, cant figure out im doing wrong. please me. java side: public class usbaudiorecorder { private usbaudiorecordlistener listener; usbaudiorecorder(usbaudiorecordlistener listener){ this.listener = listener; } static { system.loadlibrary("usbaudio"); } public native int native_setupconnection(final int fd, final string usbfs_path); public native void start(); public void received(byte[] audio){ listener.recorded(audio); } //some more methods... } native code: static jclass class_usbaudiorecorder = null; static jmethodid methid_usbaudiorecorder_received; jniexport jint jnicall java_com_example_soundcard_usbaudiorecorder_native_1setupconnection (jnienv *env , jobject obj, jint fd, jstring usbfs_path){ // objects class jclass clazz = env->getobjectclass(obj); if (!clazz) { logd(...

Attempting to use git commands results in fatal error -

this question has answer here: how fix git error: object file empty? 17 answers i'm trying pull class server error whenever try: error: object file .git/objects/6d/6a0de342a65950d909883a1057ce117b241945 empty error: object file .git/objects/6d/6a0de342a65950d909883a1057ce117b241945 empty fatal: loose object 6d6a0de342a65950d909883a1057ce117b241945 (stored in .git/objects/6d/6a0de342a65950d909883a1057ce117b241945) corrupt anyone know why may be? seems git corrupted, i'm @ loss how i'd go fixing this. first, should run git fsck check other corrupted objects in repository. second, you'll need find clean copy of file. best bet check out copy of project server , file there. if find it, replace corrupted copy. if fresh checkout server doesn't have file, it's part of local commit on own machine hasn't been pushed server yet. ...

ios - Error when call In App Purchase - swift -

i facing problem when calling function below (or purchase product): func restorecompletedtransactions(){ skpaymentqueue.defaultqueue().restorecompletedtransactions(); } it return error below: cannot connect itunes store" userinfo={nslocalizeddescription=cannot connect itunes store, sserrorhttpstatuscodekey=503} what bugs? how can solved it? thanks i had issue before ! fixed. make sure log out of app store regular account , itunes. next time test iap on device, log in sandbox account. should work. also, if doesn't fix problem, have @ this: my iap isn't working. bugs @ func paymentqueue it contains code iaps (which works) , tips fix issues. hope answer helpful ;) here full iap code : import uikit import storekit class gameviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, adbannerviewdelegate, skproductsrequestdelegate, skpaymenttransactionobserver, gkgamecentercontrollerdelegate,gadbannerviewdelegate{ @iboutlet var outremo...

How to replace HTML with Native Components in React Native? -

i have api thats outputting html content <p> tags , hrefs. whats best way go in react native? should converted <text> components or should render html using else? you may want consider having api return json rather html. (if not possible, create second endpoint returns json.) once have json data fetched, can assemble ui needed using native components react native provides.

ios - Border for Cut-In circular Hole Swift -

i want add border cut in hole (clear in middle , translucent outside). using partialtransparentmaskview this. the code looks this mapview.clipstobounds = false let frame = mapview.frame // add mask view var array = [cgrect]() //to change circle customize next line let rect = cgrectmake(frame.origin.x+20,100, frame.width-40, frame.height-300) array.append(rect) let maskcolor = uicolor(red: 0.9, green: 0.5, blue: 0.9, alpha: 0.5) let parentview = mapview.superview let pframe = parentview!.frame let maskview = partialtransparentmaskview(frame: cgrectmake(0, 0, pframe.width, pframe.height), backgroundcolor: maskcolor, transparentrects: nil, transparentcircles:array, targetview: mapview) parentview!.insertsubview(maskview, abovesubview: mapview) how can add red boundary around circle? maskview view. isn't mask; it's view transparency drawn it. draw red bounda...

java - Why is Action Listener malfunctioning? -

i developing basic tic tac toe game using java. supposed have 9 buttons in grid, , when click one, x appears. once you've clicked on button, kind of switch variable i should change value, next time click o appears. there no syntax errors, there problem. when click on button, x appear, when click on button, instead of o appearing, x appears again. logical code. public void actionperformed (actionevent evt) { int = 1; boolean b1xon=false; boolean b2xon=false; boolean b3xon=false; boolean b4xon=false; boolean b5xon=false; boolean b6xon=false; boolean b7xon=false; boolean b8xon=false; boolean b9xon=false; boolean b1oon=false; boolean b2oon=false; boolean b3oon=false; boolean b4oon=false; boolean b5oon=false; boolean b6oon=false; boolean b7oon=false; boolean b8oon=f...

java - org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Path expected for join -

i have problem hql have 3 tables 1. users (user_id = pk, username) 2. groups (group_id = pk, group_name) 3. usergroups (user_id = fk, group_id = fk) <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.model.authrole.usergroups" table="user_groups" catalog="db_realm" optimistic-lock="version"> <composite-id name="id" class="com.model.authrole.usergroupsid"> <key-property name="userid" type="int"> <column name="user_id" /> </key-property> <key-property name="groupid" type="int"> <column name="group_id" /> </key-property> </composite-id> <many-to-one name="groups" class="com.model.authrole.groups" update="false" insert="false" fetch="select"> <column name="group_id" not-nul...

How can I check is a number is a Dudeney Number, using Ruby? -

how can check if number dudeney number, using ruby? taking examples or evidence, these results: dudeney_number?(1) #=> true dudeney_number?(125) #=> false dudeney_number?(512) #=> true dudeney_number?(1728) #=> false dudeney_number?(5832) #=> true from : a dudeney number positive integer perfect cube such sum of decimal digits equal cube root of number. here's implementation definition: def dudeney_number?(n) digit_sum = n == digit_sum ** 3 end 1.upto(20000).select { |n| dudeney_number? n } #=> [1, 512, 4913, 5832, 17576, 19683] the method doesn't check if n positive integer.

swift - How to display the values of each array in larger array? -

i have var array = [["chinese"],["italian"],["thai"]] and i'm looking set names of these 3 array values label in table list. i can't set cell.namelabel.text = array.string or that. would able recommend solution? - quick , dirty way done here..... var array = [["chinese"],["italian"],["thai"]] cell.namelabel.text = array.string = array[0][0] - 1 can iterate using for-in on array of arrays (ie. array) here , access them thats 1 way it. - 1 can try fetch values in array single dimension array , access gets easier if thats motive of code. var array = [["chinese"],["italian"],["thai"]] var valarray: [string] = [] value in array { innervalue in value { valarray.append(innervalue) } } print(valarray)

matlab - how to determin the North west radiant score(270-360 degree) to decide score -

i have code in matlab below. code confusing. need decide north west part of disk (270-360) degree if fuel type f3 , f5, shia. need return yes or no shia. % base path fireline_path = 'documents/fireline/'; % eosd landcover file landcover_file = fullfile(fireline_path,'landcover/eosd/083o_lc_1/083o_lc_1.tif'); [landcover,cmap_landcover,r_landcover0] = geotiffread(landcover_file); proj_landcover = geotiffinfo(landcover_file); pixelsize = 25; % 25m utm grid % trim raster area around town of lake i_trim = 3001:3500; j_trim = 3001:3500; landcover = landcover(i_trim,j_trim); [x11,y11] = pix2map(r_landcover0,i_trim(1),j_trim(1)); r_landcover = makerefmat(x11,y11,pixelsize,-pixelsize); % read in damaged propeties , locations in grid damage_shapefile = fullfile(fireline_path,'work/slavelake/damaged_properties_sl.shp'); damage = shaperead(damage_shapefile); x_damage = [damage(~strcmp({damage.damage},'undamaged')).x]; y_damage = [damage(~strcmp({damage.dama...

wordpress - WooCommerce get value of attribute -

how can value of specific attribute in woocommerce order? i tried following code, attribute name. how value of attribute? $items = $order->get_items(); foreach ( $items $item ) { $product_id = $item['product_id']; $product_variation_id = $item['variation_id']; $variation_data = get_post_meta( $product_variation_id ); foreach ( $variation_data $name => $value ) { if ( ! $value ) { continue; } if ( taxonomy_exists( esc_attr( str_replace( 'attribute_', '', $name ) ) ) ) { $attribute = $variation_data[$name][0]; $value_of_attribute = ???; } } }

python - Troubleshooting "ssl certificate verify failed" error -

on windows vista sp2 + python 2.7.10 can connect , not the script: host1 = '' host2 = '' import urllib2 print host1 urllib2.urlopen(host1) print host2 urllib2.urlopen(host2) and output: e:\>py traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 9, in <module> urllib2.urlopen(host2) file "c:\python27\lib\", line 158, in urlopen return, data, timeout) file "c:\python27\lib\", line 435, in open response = self._open(req, data) file "c:\python27\lib\", line 453, in _open '_open', req) file "c:\python27\lib\", line 413, in _call_chain result = func(*args) file "c:\python27\lib\", line 1244, in https_open context=self....

c - read from csv, strtod can't read string with numbers -

when read follow file "x","pa(x)","time","pa","xixj","value" "x",0,5,0,"0-0","123.814935276" " "," "," "," ","0-1","234" " "," "," "," ","0-2","100" " "," "," "," ","1-0","166" " "," "," "," ","1-1","203.0866414" " "," "," "," ","1-2","383" " "," "," "," ","2-0","186" " "," "," "," ","2-1","338" " "," "," "," ","2-2","173.0984233" " "," ",10,0,"0-0","186.221113" " ...

javascript - Extjs 6 combobox values and display values not displaying correctly when setting values dynamically per row -

oof long title. in current project have grid holds set of workshop records. each of these workshops there set of rates apply given workshop. my goal display combobox each row shows rates specific work shop. i've got a prototype works part on sencha fiddle , there's off how selection values being created: ext.define('rates',{ extend: '', storeid: 'rates', fields: [ 'ratearray' ], data:[ { workshop: 'test workshop 1', ratearray: { rate1: {show: "yes", rate: "105", description: "standard registration"}, rate3: {show: "yes", rate: "125", description: "non-member rate"}, rate4: {show: "yes", rate: "44", description: "price sk tester"} } }, { workshop: 'test workshop 2', ...

r - Efficient use of of vectors -

i attempting copying 1 vector using following syntax: data<-null for( in 1:nrow(line)){ data=append(data,line[i*4]) } from have seen, use of append in way results in lot of copying of data, makes r slow. syntax copying 4th element of 1 array another, given list copying of given size? here 3 methods benchmarks. can see preallocating vector in method2 function quite bit faster, while lapply method middle, , function slowest. of course, these 1d vectors opposed arrays of n-d, expected benchmarks similar or more pronounced. method1 <- function(line) { data<-null for( in 1:length(line)){ data=append(data,line[i]) } } method2 <- function(line) { data <- vector(mode="numeric", length = length(line)) (i in 1:length(line)) { data[i] <- line[i] } } library(microbenchmark) r <- rnorm(1000) microbenchmark(method2(r), unit="ms") #> unit: milliseconds #> expr min lq mean median ...

does p2p filesharing need a static ip -

ok. creating teamviewer app. , p2p connection best route based on research on p2p. want know weather teamviewer works on p2p, , possible create such app without using dedicated server , static public ip address. mean know nodes in p2p n/w act equal, how these maintain connection having dynamic ip addresses. hoping can explain how p2p establishes this. they not need static ip. in absence of static ip need discovery / address exchange mechanism allows nodes find each other. overlay networks dhts/gossip protocols/supernodes used such thing, simple user manually entering current ip address. in practice reachability bigger concern. nats , firewalls may prevent incoming connections. if both nodes cannot accept incoming connections neither can connect other.

Edit image source C# -

i'm trying edit image file instead of path should able provide imagesource parameter. //editcode: process proc = process.start(path); proc.enableraisingevents = true; processstartinfo startinfo = new processstartinfo(); startinfo.verb = "edit"; proc.startinfo = startinfo; proc.exited += new eventhandler((s, e) => myprocess_exited(s, e, obj.tostring())); the above code works when pass path of image file parameter. have imagesource . //imagesourcecode: private bitmapframe loadimage(string path) { bitmapdecoder decoder = null; if (file.exists(path) && (path != null)) { using (var stream = new filestream(path,, { decoder = bitmapdecoder.create(stream, bitmapcreateoptions.none, bitmapcacheoption.onload); } return decoder.frames.firstordefault(); } else return null; } the above code gets path , convert image source(bitmapframe) , re...

java - No class found Exception while validating Json with JsonSchema -

i new java. i trying validate json jsonschema. have referred java/android - validate string json against string schema .. have tried #tihamer code , getting jsonparserexception have not used it. below code import java.util.iterator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonnode; import com.github.fge.jackson.jsonloader; import; import; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.jsonschema; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.jsonschemafactory; public class jsonvalidation { public static void main(string[] args) { jsonvalidation jv = new jsonvalidation(); string jsondata = "{\"dispatchermode\":\"standard\",\"noofdispatcher\":\"3\",\"dispatcherinfo\":[{\"dispatcher\":\"dispatcher 0 =<--current\"},{\"dispatcher\":\"dispatcher 1 = 156.95....

javascript - Sequenctial value in select dropdown -

i have 3 select dropdown , want scenarios below: if select 1 in dropdown1 other value 2 , 3. dropdown1:1 dropdown2:2 dropdown3:3 if select 1 in dropdown2 other like: dropdown1:3 dropdown2:1 dropdown3:2 will like: dropdown1:2 dropdown2:3 dropdown3:1 codepen <body ng-app="my-app" ng-controller="my-controller"> <select class="form-control" ng-options="obj obj.title obj in sequence" ng-model="selectedview1"></select> <select class="form-control" ng-options=" obj.title obj in sequence" ng-model="selectedview2"></select> <select class="form-control" ng-options=" obj.title obj in sequence" ng-model="selectedview3"></select> </body> please see codepen link. i added logic of changing other select boxes in case of choosing 1 in first box. please take here . using watch fu...

jquery - Dropdown Contents below Modal -

i'm having challenges dropdown list in project. when have on regular page works fine. when have in modal contents behind modal , can't accessed. i did research , see i'm having problems z-index. however, still can't work. i've given modal z-index of 3000 , given dropdown absolute maximum z-index of 2147483647 , dropdown still renders behind modal. here relevant css: /*trying query dropdown on top*/ .dropdown-on-top{ /*position: absolute;*/ z-index: 2147483647; } .modal-below-dropdown{ /*position: relative;*/ z-index: 3000; } /*end of tring query dropdown on top:*/ i'm using model-below-dropdown set z-index modal. i'm using dropdown-on-top have dropdown stay above modal. fyi - i've commented out position items both because when had them enabled modal wouldn't display @ all. but, i've read need both of them make work. here html modal: <div class="modal modal-message modal-below-dropdown fade" id="modal...

android - Fragment Transition - postpone until RecyclerView has laid out relevant elements -

i'm postponing transition between 2 fragments both contain recyclerviews trick of creating fragment, hiding , show when recyclerview ready... like explained here: my problem is, not work, views of recyclerview seem not layout out correctly when recyclerview predrawn, results in wrong transitions (in case child views of recyclerview calculate sizes in oncreateviewholder , must finish before transitin starts). adjusted adapter in way adapter reports when relevant views bound, can continue transition, not work, recyclerview not start laying out it's child views, because recyclerview not visible yet... can somehow force recyclerview layout it's children though it's hidden? other suggestions?

How + internally works on Strings in JAVA -

i read blogs internally java use stringbuilder concat string when use + operator. checking , found strange outputs. public class stringdemo { public static void main(string[] args) { string = "hello world"; string b = "hello world"; string c = "hello"; string d = c + " world".intern(); string e = new stringbuilder().append(string.valueof(c)).append(" world").tostring().intern() ; string f = new stringbuilder(string.valueof(c)).append(" world").tostring().intern(); system.out.println(a == b); // line 1 expected output true system.out.println(a == d); // line 2 output false system.out.println(a == e); // line 3 output true system.out.println(a == f); // line 4 output true } } so using + operator concat 2 strings c & " world" , use intern() method move string in pool string d . as per understanding ja...

ruby on rails - Adding a Key to csv erb template output -

currently in create.csv.erb template have this. <%- event_headers = @event_filters -%> <%= csv.generate_line(event_headers) %> it generates csv file event1,event2,event3,event4 i add sort of key or header, output looks this events: event1,event2,event3,event4 or this events: event1,event2,event3,event4 is possible? use string interpolation construct string wish have :) <%= "events: #{csv.generate_line(event_headers)}" %>

javascript - How to pass the variables to AngularJs config -

i work angularjs google maps , need configure api_key in module config part (question similar this one ). my question configuring angularjs modules this my test pen : var app = angular.module('myapp', []) /* // here ????? // try pass value html (server side) .config(function($window){ console.log($window.memkey); }) */ .controller('mainctrl', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window) { $ = $window.memname; $ = $window.memcity; $scope.getmember = function(id) { console.log(id); }; }]); <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var memkey = 'bb7de28f-0f89-4f14-8575-d494203acec7'; var memname = 'john'; var memcity = 'new-york'; </script> <div ng-app="myapp" ng-con...

m2eclipse - How To Disable M2E Lifecycle Validation -

with eclipse mars comes feature m2e not work used to. lifecycle plug-ins not found or found twice, bringing curious error messages this: plugin execution not covered lifecycle configuration: org.acme.something:maven-plugin:1.0.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile) conflicting lifecycle mapping (plugin execution "org.acme.something:maven-plugin:1.0.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile)"). enable full functionality, remove conflicting mapping , run maven->update project configuration. since tycho integration never worked (and knowing these guys, never will) want disable lifecycle validation good. ever need m2e feature "run as... -> maven build" anyways. how do this? (just clear: i'm professional, have dozens of workspaces dozens of projects each - using "quickfix" on of these ignore them out of question, defiling //pom.xml// eclipse specific ignore instructions.) you have 2 solutions ...

Why don't my Toplink descriptors reflect the Java Code in the structure panel in JDeveloper? -

i learning oracle adf, including toplink orm. well, think toplink orm, correct me if wrong. added connection sqlite database, , generated bunch of java class. using chinook example database . the wizard did not found foreign key mapping, tried adding one-to-many relationship between artist class , album class. added list<album> field in artist class. public class artist implements serializable { // existing fields, default constructor , get/set omitted //... private list<album> albums; public artist(int artistid, string name, /* added */ list<album> albums) { this.artistid = artistid; = name; this.albums = albums; } //... public list<album> getalbums() { return this.albums; } public void setalbums(list<album> albums) { this.albums = albums; } } i tried told toplink album list had 1 many relationship album elements. when opened toplink mapping , tri...

ActiveMQ can't be bound to in Wildfly 10.0.0.CR2 in profile standalone-full-ha -

when download fresh copy of wildfly 10 rc2, , try run using bin/ -c=standalone-full-ha.xml -b= i receive exception. 08:21:12,870 error [] (msc service thread 1-8) msc000001: failed start service jboss.messaging-activemq.default: org.jboss.msc.service.startexception in service jboss.messaging-activemq.default: wflymsgamq0033: failed start service @ org.wildfly.extension.messaging.activemq.activemqserverservice.start( @ org.jboss.msc.service.servicecontrollerimpl$starttask.startservice( @ org.jboss.msc.service.servicecontrollerimpl$ @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker( @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$ @ caused by: [udp] / not...

powershell - Does any command available to Import bacpac file from Azure Blob to Azure SQL Database -

i have created sql azure under resource group using azureresourcemanager mode. i trying import bacpac file azure blob azure sql using start-azuresqldatabaseimport command it's command not available azureresourcemanager mode. (it's available azureservicemanagement mode.) does similar command available azureresourcemanager mode? at moment there not azure resource manager command azure sql database's import functionality. list of supported azure resource manager commands azure sql database please here .

javascript - How to compare two values in protractor? -

code values var archived_projects_before = element.all(by.css('a[ng-click="setcurrentgroup(tab)"]')).get(6).gettext().then(function(text){console.log(text);}) var archived_projects_before = element.all(by.css('a[ng-click="setcurrentgroupproject(tab)"]')).get(6).gettext().then(function(text){console.log(text);}) using code getting 2 values i.e: 5, 6 problem: if 2 values same have assert true,if not have assert false this tried expect(values).not.tobedefined(values) expect(values).toequal(values); expect(values).not.tobe(values) please me you don't have values separately using .then() chaining. expect statement default resolves promises methods return. have use them in expect statement. here's how - var archived_projects_before = element.all(by.css('a[ng-click="setcurrentgroup(tab)"]')).get(6); var archived_projects_before_1 = element.all(by.css('a[ng-click="setcurrentgroupproject...

web scraping - XPATH help for web scraper -

i need create button in web scraping chrome extension grab data web page cant next page button work <div class="on" onclick="javascript:djxtablepage(&quot;_djxid_followup_status_&quot;,1)">&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div> when click next button > code changed following <div class="on" onclick="javascript:djxtablepage(&quot;_djxid_followup_status_&quot;,2)">&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div> div around buttons <div class="dxpaging"> </div> but have got go forward > , backwords selects active button @ start.. xpath works per image goes the 1st active button there 4 buttons. //*[contains(concat( " ", @class, " " ), concat( " ", "on", " " ))] to all buttons use xpath: //*[@class='on'][@onclick] to all buttons , if there may class on added element, use...