m2eclipse - How To Disable M2E Lifecycle Validation -
with eclipse mars comes feature m2e not work used to. lifecycle plug-ins not found or found twice, bringing curious error messages this:
plugin execution not covered lifecycle configuration: org.acme.something:maven-plugin:1.0.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile)
conflicting lifecycle mapping (plugin execution "org.acme.something:maven-plugin:1.0.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile)"). enable full functionality, remove conflicting mapping , run maven->update project configuration.
since tycho integration never worked (and knowing these guys, never will) want disable lifecycle validation good. ever need m2e feature "run as... -> maven build" anyways.
how do this?
(just clear: i'm professional, have dozens of workspaces dozens of projects each - using "quickfix" on of these ignore them out of question, defiling //pom.xml// eclipse specific ignore instructions.)
you have 2 solutions
- open markers view, quick fix, select "mark goal run ignored in eclipse build in eclipse preferences". global workspace, won't defile of pom.xml files. can go step further , open preferences > maven > licefycle mappings, change mapping file location can shared multiple workspaces.
- open preferences > maven > errors/warnings, set plugin execution not covered... level whatever works (and hope doesn't cause unexpected side effects)
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