linux - I cannot print color escape codes to the terminal -
when run script:
fn main() { // \033[0;31m <- red // \033[0m <- no color println!("\033[0;31mso\033[0m") }
i expect get
so #in red letters
however, get:
when ran similar script in go or python, expected output. going on? missing? how fix this?
i using:
$ rustc --version rustc 1.3.0 (9a92aaf19 2015-09-15) $ lsb_release -a no lsb modules available. distributor id: ubuntu description: ubuntu 14.04.3 lts release: 14.04 codename: trusty
rust 1.3.0 not seem support octal escape strings such \033
. instead, can use hexadecimal escape strings \x1b
fn main(){ println!("\x1b[0;31mso\x1b[0m") }
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