sql - Group function in select with subquery -

i have following select :

select distinct                    max(tctc_cntipcli) "typeofcontract" ,                    max(texe_cncclipu) "contractnumber",                    max(tctc_cndocidc) "clientname",                    max(tsrv_cndesser) "servicename",                    max(texe_cnfuncid) "servicenumber",                    tsrs_cnsubsdc "subservicename",                    texe_cnsubser "subservicenumber",                    tmap_cndesc   "map",         (         select decode(to_char(count(tlof_cnlofrid)), '0', 'na', count(tlof_cnlofrid))         service.kndtlof         tlof_cncclipu = tctc_cncclipu         , tlof_cnservic = texe_cnfuncid         , tlof_cnsubser = texe_cnsubser         , tlof_cnfhalta > trunc (sysdate, 'mm')        ) "volumeoffilesmessages"                           service.kndtctc, service.kndtexe, service.kndtscm, service.kndtsrv, service.kndtsrs, service.kndtmap                           tctc_cncclipu = texe_cncclipu                           , texe_cnfuncid = tsrv_cncveser                           , texe_cnfuncid = tsrs_cncveser                           , texe_cnsubser = tsrs_cnsubser                           , texe_cncclipu = tscm_cncontra                           , tscm_cnmapco = tmap_cnmapco                           , tscm_cnservic = tsrv_cncveser                           , tscm_cnsubser = tsrs_cnsubser                           , tctc_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           , texe_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           , tsrv_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           , tsrs_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           , tscm_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           , tmap_cnestado in ('01', '03')                           group tsrs_cnsubsdc, texe_cnsubser, tmap_cndesc                           order texe_cncclipu; 

which outputting :

    c|50000614|lindsey|informationreporting|3050|940previousday|i1|baisamedaywire|n                                   c|50000614|lindsey|wirepayments|3001|wirestatus|s1|mt101swiftstatus|na                                      c|50000614|lindsey|wirepayments|3001|wirepayments|w1|sungard820payment|na 

i need use max on columns 1, 2, 3 , duplicating columns 4 , 5 make output below:

c|50000614|lindsey|informationrep|3050|previousday |i1|baisamedaywire   |na                    wirepayments  |3001|wirestatus  |s1|mt101swiftstatus |na                                                                             wirepayments|w1|sungard820payment|na 

i have tried max on selected columns in outer query , keep getting "ora 0037 : not single-group group function" error. thanks.

max analytic function. means computes single value based on set of rows. take @ this page documentation on function itself, , this page info on analytic functions. you're going have group data according spec using group by statement, otherwise encounter error ora-00937, before.


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