java - Changing palindrome to fit numeric palindrome -

so i've figured out pretty effective way check palindromes, asked change fit numeric palindrome , again stuck.

public boolean checknumericpalindrome() {  string s = this.s.tolowercase(); string resultstring = ""; for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {       if(character.isdigit(s.charat(i))) {          resultstring = resultstring + s.charat(i);       }     } int low = 0; int high = resultstring.length() - 1;  boolean ispalindrome = true;  while (low < high) {   if (resultstring.charat(low) != resultstring.charat(high)) {     ispalindrome = false;     break;   }    low++;   high--;     } return ispalindrome; } 


i've figured out had change letters isdigits, , know should change or rid of tolowercase , s.length can't seem find numeric equivalent, or know if there one.

if don't want make major changes logic, can make string input number , same thing.

public boolean checknumericpalindrome(int number) {         string resultstring = integer.tostring(number);         //proceed same logic & process string         return true;     } 

better approach this:

public boolean checknumericpalindrome(int number) {      return checkstringpalindrome(integer.tostring(number)); } 

so whenever make changes checkstringpalindrome, don't need change other methods.


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