javascript - Find the last item in array in mongo document and check if its field is a certain value -
i got document:
{ _id: "zaphzeqw98uhwqaey", borrowerid: "dmgqyqenbnt4ebmia", isseenbyother: 1, lenderid: "jsjyvseqiiazgxruq", messages: [{ date: sun oct 25 2015 19:40:25 gmt+0100 (cet), from: "jsjyvseqiiazgxruq", text: "hi there" },{ date: sun oct 25 2015 19:40:35 gmt+0100 (cet), from: "dmgqyqenbnt4ebmia", text: "hey!" }] }
what i'm trying boolean value stating whether or not value of field from
of the last object item in array: messages
current user.
i have tried lot of different mongodb projections such $slice , $position inserts in beginning of array not ideal case.
you can use underscore's _.last() function follows:
var doc = mycollection.findone({ _id: "zaphzeqw98uhwqaey" }); var lastelement = _.last(doc.messages); if ( lastelement.from === meteor.userid() ){ ... thing }
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