javascript - Use jQuery.getJson to get Web API -
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- what jsonp about? [duplicate] 7 answers
i'm beginner of web api.
fail use jquery.getjson() web api
this failed:
//in "file:///c:/users/lil/desktop/index.html" var url = "http://localhost:56110/api/values"; $.getjson(url, function (data) { $("#locmsg").text("success"+data); });`
this succeeded:
//in "http://localhost:56110/index.html" var url = "http://localhost:56110/api/values"; $.getjson(url, function (data) { $("#locmsg").text("success"+data); });
i though because of cross-domain request, succeeded:
//in "file:///c:/users/lil/desktop/index.html" var url = ""; $.getjson(url, function (data) { $("#locmsg").text("success"); });
then tried add "jsoncallback=?" failed:
//in "file:///c:/users/lil/desktop/index.html" var url = "http://localhost:56110/api/values?jsoncallback=?"; $.getjson(url, function (data) { $("#locmsg").text("success"+data); });
namespace webapplication1.controllers{ public class valuescontroller : apicontroller { // api/values public ienumerable<string> get() { return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; }` `// api/values/5 public string get(int id) { return "value"; } // post api/values public void post([frombody]string value) { } // put api/values/5 public void put(int id, [frombody]string value) { } // delete api/values/5 public void delete(int id) { } }
} }
you need enable cors in webapi. firstly, install nuget - , add line webapiconfig:
config.enablecors(new enablecorsattribute("*","*","*"));
public static class webapiconfig { public static void register(httpconfiguration config) { config.enablecors(new enablecorsattribute("*","*","*")); // web api configuration , services // configure web api use bearer token authentication. config.suppressdefaulthostauthentication(); config.filters.add(new hostauthenticationfilter(oauthdefaults.authenticationtype)); // web api routes config.maphttpattributeroutes(); config.routes.maphttproute( name: "defaultapi", routetemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", defaults: new { id = routeparameter.optional } ); }
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