.net - C# Serial Port Conditional & Partial Reading -
i stumped. searched myself blue in face - no go.
i trying establish serial comms device sends 2 different blocks of data (one after other) every 1 second continuously. first block starts "pid" , second block ends "h18".
i need read once every 5 seconds.
my problem 2 fold:
- i have no idea/control when read starts , starts mid - block.
- i have no control on start , end cycle ensure full 2 blocks need both.
both blocks 200 characters long in total, has no /r @ beginning , has /r/n in between various items.
i have tried doing 2 subsequent reads no success. tried playing startswith , endswith not recognized? code has been on show, here base working currently:
static void datareceivedhandlerbat(object sender, serialdatareceivedeventargs e) { var batm = sender serialport; if ((batm != null) && (!_gotresponse)) { while (stringb.length < 200) { byte[] buffer = new byte[batm.bytestoread]; int numread = batm.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length); stringb.append(system.text.encoding.ascii.getstring(buffer)); // if (stringb.s == 0) //{ // _gotresponse = true; // break; //} } } }
/// obtain battery string serialport batm = new serialport(); batm.portname = "com4"; batm.baudrate = 19200; batm.databits = 8; batm.parity = parity.none; batm.stopbits = stopbits.one; batm.datareceived += new serialdatareceivedeventhandler(datareceivedhandlerbat); batm.open(); //batm.readexisting(); int timeoutmsb; timeoutmsb = 1000; var starttimeb = datetime.now; while (!_gotresponse && ((datetime.now - starttimeb).totalmilliseconds < timeoutmsb)) { thread.sleep(20); } batm.close(); _gotresponse = false; //build battery string string bat = stringb.tostring();
please me - new c# , have struggled 4 days this?
is gui application or background service? either way, ditch datareceived
event , use readasync
, showed in blog post. then, buffer incoming data list<byte>
(this deals messages arrive split two), , implement synchronization logic.
here's outline of how synchronization works:
- loop through
, find beginning of message - determine whether entire message has been received
- copy message payload , fire off event business logic acts on message can separate buffering/parsing logic
- remove bytes list end of detected message
- search remainder of buffer more valid messages (repeat 1-4)
- when buffer
doesn't contain complete message, callreadasync
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