oauth 2.0 - IDX10503: Signature validation failed -
i getting following error valid token after application re-start or publish
idx10503: signature validation failed. keys tried: 'system.identitymodel.tokens.rsasecuritykey exceptions caught: token: '{"typ":"jwt","alg":"rs256","kid":null}.{"unique_name":"test@test.com","iss":"xxxxxx","aud":"xxxxx","exp":1444876186}'
this function generate key
private void generatersakeys() { using (rsacryptoserviceprovider rsa = new rsacryptoserviceprovider(2048)) { key = new rsasecuritykey(rsa.exportparameters(true)); credentials = new signingcredentials (key,securityalgorithms.rsasha256signature, securityalgorithms.sha256digest); rsa.persistkeyincsp = true; } }
this how configuration done
services.configureoauthbearerauthentication(options => { options.automaticauthentication = true; options.tokenvalidationparameters.issuersigningkey = generatersakeys(); options.tokenvalidationparameters.validaudience = audience; options.tokenvalidationparameters.validissuer = issuer; }); app.usestaticfiles(); app.useoauthbearerauthentication(); // add mvc request pipeline. app.usemvc();
and action on controller
// post: /token [httppost()] public async task<iactionresult> token([frombody] loginmodel model) { if (!modelstate.isvalid) return httpbadrequest(); jwtsecuritytokenhandler handler = _beareroptions.securitytokenvalidators.oftype<jwtsecuritytokenhandler>().first(); try { var user = await _repo.getdetailasync(model.email); if (!model.password.equals(user.password)) return httpunauthorized(); jwtsecuritytoken securitytoken = handler.createtoken ( issuer: _beareroptions.tokenvalidationparameters.validissuer, audience: _beareroptions.tokenvalidationparameters.validaudience, signingcredentials: _signingcredentials, subject: new claimsidentity(new claim[] { new claim(claimtypes.name, user.email) }), expires: datetime.now.addminutes(2) ); string token = handler.writetoken(securitytoken); return new objectresult(new tokenmodel() { accesstoken = token, tokentype = "bearer" }); } catch (exception ex) { // todo: add loggin logic here return httpunauthorized(); } }
if you're generating new rsa key each time (re)start server, it's not surprising: tokens signed key a
cannot validated using key b
. scenario work, need store rsa key somewhere , use same 1 during startup.
one way call rsa.exportparameters(true)
, store different parameters somewhere, can retrieve , import them using rsa.importparameters(...)
but best option use aspnet.security.openidconnect.server
, automatically generate , store rsa key in last version:
public class startup { public void configureservices(iservicecollection services) { services.addauthentication(); services.addcaching(); } public void configure(iapplicationbuilder app) { // add new middleware validating access tokens issued oidc server. app.usejwtbearerauthentication(options => { options.automaticauthentication = true; options.authority = "resource_server_1"; options.requirehttpsmetadata = false; }); // add new middleware issuing tokens. app.useopenidconnectserver(options => { options.allowinsecurehttp = true; options.provider = new openidconnectserverprovider { // override onvalidateclientauthentication skip client authentication. onvalidateclientauthentication = context => { // call skipped() since js applications cannot keep credentials secret. context.skipped(); return task.fromresult<object>(null); }, // override ongrantresourceownercredentials support grant_type=password. ongrantresourceownercredentials = context => { // credentials validation here. // note: can call rejected() message // indicate authentication failed. var identity = new claimsidentity(openidconnectdefaults.authenticationscheme); identity.addclaim(claimtypes.nameidentifier, "todo"); // default, claims not serialized in access , identity tokens. // use overload taking "destination" make sure claims // correctly inserted in appropriate tokens. identity.addclaim("urn:customclaim", "value", "token id_token"); var ticket = new authenticationticket( new claimsprincipal(identity), new authenticationproperties(), context.options.authenticationscheme); // call setresources list of resource servers // access token should issued for. ticket.setresources(new[] { "resource_server_1" }); // call setscopes list of scopes want grant // (specify offline_access issue refresh token). ticket.setscopes(new[] { "profile", "offline_access" }); context.validated(ticket); return task.fromresult<object>(null); } } }); app.usemvc(); } }
{ "dependencies": { "microsoft.aspnet.server.weblistener": "1.0.0-rc1-final", "microsoft.aspnet.mvc": "6.0.0-rc1-final", "microsoft.aspnet.authentication.jwtbearer": "1.0.0-rc1-final", "aspnet.security.openidconnect.server": "1.0.0-beta4" } }
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