javascript - Getting the index of ng-repeat after scroll in controller - angular , Ionic -

the below code works fine in browser when same in mobile not working,

here codepen link,

html file

<html ng-app="bumblebee"> <head> <script type="text/javascript"   src="">   </script> </script> <script src=""></script> <script     src="">  </script> </head> <body> <ion-view>   <ion-content overflow-scroll="true"> <div ng-controller="repeatctrl">   <h1 ng-bind="title"></h1>   <!--if want search in data use searching.$ -->         <input type="text" placeholder="search data" ng-model="searching.$" /> or         <!-- searching name -->   <input type="text" placeholder="search name" ng-model="" /> or               <!-- searching age -->   <input type="text" placeholder="search age" ng-model="searching.age" />   <ul>       <li scroll="atnewarticle($index)" scroll-item="cat" ng-repeat="cat in cats | filter:searching">{{ +"  - " + cat.age+ " - "+ cat.gender}}</li>     </ul> </div> </ion-view>   </ion-content>   </body> </html> 


var myapp = angular.module('bumblebee', []);  myapp.directive('scroll', function ($parse, $document, $window) { console.log("inside scroll"); var _ = $window._; var verge = $window.verge; var visibleelements = [];     console.log(json.stringify(verge) + '\n' + _ + '\n' + visibleelements[0]);  return {     restrict: 'a',     scope: {         scroll: '&',         scrollitem: '='     },     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {       console.log(_.debounce)         var debounced = _.debounce(function() {             // might need different test,             // perhaps including height of element,             // or using verge "rectangle" function             console.log("came inside link");             var visible = verge.inviewport(element);              var index = visibleelements.indexof(scope.scrollitem);             var previouslyvisible = (index != -1);             if (visible && !previouslyvisible) {                 visibleelements.push(scope.scrollitem);                 scope.$apply(function() {                   scope.scroll({item:scope.scrollitem});                 });             }             if (!visible && previouslyvisible)              {                  visibleelements.splice(index, 1);             }         }, 500);         angular.element($document).on('scroll', debounced);         if (verge.inviewport(element)) {             visibleelements.push(element);         }      } }; });  myapp.controller('repeatctrl', ['$scope', function($scope){  //creating angular project title $scope.title = "title";  //initilal json object $scope.cats= [   {name:'john', age:25, gender:'boy'},   {name:'jessie', age:30, gender:'girl'},   {name:'johanna', age:28, gender:'girl'},   {name:'joy', age:15, gender:'girl'},   {name:'mary', age:28, gender:'girl'},   {name:'peter', age:95, gender:'boy'},   {name:'sebastian', age:50, gender:'boy'},   {name:'erika', age:27, gender:'girl'},   {name:'patrick', age:40, gender:'boy'},   {name:'samantha', age:60, gender:'girl'} ];  $scope.atnewarticle = function(item) {   console.log(item); }    }]) 

it not going inside link in there problem _.debounce? can on issue?

instead of using ng-repeat use collection-repeat..its working fine

here working snippet...

<ion-content overflow-scroll="false">  <ion-list>         <div class="card" collection-repeat="product in products" scroll="atnewarticle($index)" scroll-item="atnewarticle($index)"  id='product_list'>          <div class='row'>           <div class="col col-25">             <img ng-src={{product.imagepath}} style="width:70px;height:70px"></img>           </div>           </div>     </ion-list> </ion-content> 


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