VB6 application vs Java 8u60 for Serial Communication -

i writing java application replace vb6 application. application has poll remote system using 10 byte binary protocol, response 10 byte binary message last byte checksum calculated summing previous bytes.

the problem i'm experiencing high number of errors in java application checksum doesn't match.

the results quite repeatable. vb6 application has virtually no errors, java application has lots. i've checked port settings, same 19200,n,8,1.

in vb6 port set-up serial port set-up follows:

    cdtimeout = 0     commport = 1     ctstimeout = 0     dsrtimeout = 0     dtrenable = false     eofenable = false     handshaking = none     inbuffercount = 0     inbuffersize = 1024     index = 0     inputlen = 0     inputmode = cominputmodebinary     interval = 1000     name = "cominterfaceunit"     nulldiscard = false     outbuffersize = 512     parityreplace = "?"     rthreshold = 10     rtsenable = false     settings = "19200,n,8,1"     sthreshold = 0     tag = "" 

the javax.comm serialport set-up follows:

    baudrate = 19200     closed = false     databits = 8     dtr = false     flowcontrol = 0     framing = false     framingbyte = 0     framingbytereceived = false     name = "com1"     nativehandle = 324295048     notifymask = 1     parity = 0     rcvthreshold = -1     rcvtimeout = -1     rts = true     startbi = false     statecd = false     statects = false     statedsr = false     statefe = false     stateoe = false     statepe = false     stateri = false     stopbits = 1 

in vb6 event handler copies receive bytes byte array , thats java code via serialevent.

java checksum computation:

int intchecksuminpkt = (int)(arychrmsg[response_length -1] & 0xff) ,intcalcchecksum = 0;  for( int b=0; b<response_length -1; b++ ) {      intcalcchecksum += (int)(arychrmsg[b] & 0xff);  }  intcalcchecksum &= 0xff;  if ( intcalcchecksum == intchecksuminpkt ) { ... } 

vb6 checksum code:

intsum = 0 inti = gintinterfaceunitreplystatusoffset gintinterfaceunitreplydata8offset     intsum = intsum + cint(gbytinterfaceunitreplyarray(gintcommportindex, inti)) next inti if gbytinterfaceunitreplyarray(gintcommportindex, gintinterfaceunitreplychecksumoffset) = cbyte(intsum , &hff)     ' match, 'good' message.     blnfunctionvalue = true end if 

the actual problem didn't call "enablereceivethreshold".

works now.


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