plsql - procedure using record type -

i create procedure returns list of first 5 records. must use record type , table type. doing wrong?

create or replace procedure procedure_example(v_table out v_rec)   cursor cur1     select * (       select         type_note,         note       dd_note order type_note)     rownum < 5;    type v_rec record ( v_type_note number(2)                        , v_note varchar(30));   type v_table table of v_rec index binary_integer;    begin      open cur1;      loop       fetch cur1 v_type_note, v_note;        dbms_output.put_line(v_type_note || '. --- ' || v_note);        exit when cur1%notfound;       --enter code here     end loop;      close cur1;   end procedure_example; 

the place declared types wrong. must declare type "v_rec" , type "v_table" in package procedure belongs, not inside procedure. here's improved version of code. first, declare these types in package:

 type v_rec record(     v_type_note number(2),     v_note varchar(30));  type v_table table of v_rec index pls_integer; 

then here's function:

  create or replace procedure procedure_example (out_table out v_table)      begin         select type_note, note bulk collect out_table (select type_note, note dd_note order type_note) rownum < 5      in 1..out_table.count loop      dbms_output.put_line(out_table(i).v_type_note || '. --- ' || out_table(i).v_note);      end loop;   end procedure_example; 


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