Configuration private network with Vagrant -
i'm configuring 3 virtual machines on desktop vagrant. , wanna build cluster these 3 vms. , wanna configure ip of these 3 machines in private network , access each vm in desktop only . reason of configuration i'll use these 3 vms development only. so answer questions how shall configure ip of vm vagrant purpose? cannot understand how configure ip address of private network. create vagrant file name vagrantfile , add: # -*k mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : vagrant.configure("2") |config| config.vm.provider :libvirt |libvirt| libvirt.driver = "kvm" = 'localhost' libvirt.uri = 'qemu:///system' end # config.vm.define "test1" |vm1| = "ubuntu/trusty64" vm1.vm.hostname="" vm1.vm.provider :libvirt |domain| domain.memory = 1024 domain.cpus = 1 end ...