c# - DataContractJsonSerializer human-readable json -

this question has answer here:

basically dupe of this question 1 notable difference - have use datacontractjsonserializer.

a simple

using (var stream = new memorystream()) {     var serializer = new datacontractjsonserializer(typeof(person));     serializer.writeobject(stream, obj);     ...     return stream.toarray(); } 

produced single line json, e.g. (when saved in file)

...{"blah":"v", "blah2":"v2"}... 

what options make it

... {     "blah":"v",      "blah2":"v2" } ... 

i can think of post-processing... there easier option? e.g. similar formatting xml produced datacontractserializer ?

using (var stream = new memorystream()) {     var serializer = new datacontractjsonserializer(typeof(t));     // "beautify"     using (var writer = new somekindofwriter(stream))         serializer.writeobject(writer, obj);     ...     return stream.toarray(); } 

is there way make such somekindofwriter beautify json when needed?


you may use following standard method getting formatted json

jsonreaderwriterfactory.createjsonwriter(stream stream, encoding encoding, bool ownsstream, bool indent, string indentchars)

only set "indent==true"

try this

    public readonly datacontractjsonserializersettings settings =              new datacontractjsonserializersettings             { usesimpledictionaryformat = true };      public void keep<tvalue>(tvalue item, string path)     {         try         {             using (var stream = file.open(path, filemode.create))             {                 var currentculture = thread.currentthread.currentculture;                 thread.currentthread.currentculture = cultureinfo.invariantculture;                  try                 {                     using (var writer = jsonreaderwriterfactory.createjsonwriter(                         stream, encoding.utf8, true, true, "  "))                     {                         var serializer = new datacontractjsonserializer(type, settings);                         serializer.writeobject(writer, item);                         writer.flush();                     }                 }                 catch (exception exception)                 {                     debug.writeline(exception.tostring());                 }                                 {                     thread.currentthread.currentculture = currentculture;                 }             }         }         catch (exception exception)         {             debug.writeline(exception.tostring());         }     } 

pay attention lines

    var currentculture = thread.currentthread.currentculture;     thread.currentthread.currentculture = cultureinfo.invariantculture;     ....     thread.currentthread.currentculture = currentculture; 

you should use invariantculture avoid exception during deserialization on computers different regional settings. example, invalid format of double or datetime cause them.

for deserializing

    public tvalue revive<tvalue>(string path, params object[] constructorargs)     {         try         {             using (var stream = file.openread(path))             {                 var currentculture = thread.currentthread.currentculture;                 thread.currentthread.currentculture = cultureinfo.invariantculture;                  try                 {                     var serializer = new datacontractjsonserializer(type, settings);                     var item = (tvalue) serializer.readobject(stream);                     if (equals(item, null)) throw new exception();                     return item;                 }                 catch (exception exception)                 {                     debug.writeline(exception.tostring());                     return (tvalue) activator.createinstance(type, constructorargs);                 }                                 {                     thread.currentthread.currentculture = currentculture;                 }             }         }         catch         {             return (tvalue) activator.createinstance(typeof (tvalue), constructorargs);         }     } 



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