ios - Swift: Custom UIView not resizing to constraints -
i have created custom uiview loaded xib file. adding view stackview, , setting width constraint on item.
it's working if storyboard, if i'm doing swift, can't view stretch constraint. stackview allocating space view, view doesn't stretch space.
custom view swift code:
import foundation import uikit @ibdesignable class tabbutton: uiview { @iboutlet weak var label: uilabel! @ibinspectable var tabtext: string? { { return label.text } set(tabtext) { label.text = tabtext label.sizetofit() } } override func intrinsiccontentsize() -> cgsize { return cgsize(width: uiviewnointrinsicmetric, height: uiviewnointrinsicmetric) } override init(frame: cgrect) { // 1. setup properties here // 2. call super.init(frame:) super.init(frame: frame) // 3. setup view .xib file xibsetup() } required init(coder adecoder: nscoder) { // 1. setup properties here // 2. call super.init(coder:) super.init(coder: adecoder)! // 3. setup view .xib file xibsetup() } // our custom view xib file var view: uiview! func xibsetup() { view = loadviewfromnib() // use bounds not frame or it'll offset view.frame = bounds // make view stretch containing view view.autoresizingmask = [.flexiblewidth, .flexibleheight] // adding custom subview on top of our view (over custom drawing > see note below) addsubview(view) } func loadviewfromnib() -> uiview { let bundle = nsbundle(forclass: self.dynamictype) let nib = uinib(nibname: "tabbutton", bundle: bundle) let view = nib.instantiatewithowner(self, options: nil)[0] as! uiview self.roundcorners([.topleft, .topright], radius: 10) return view } }
and viewcontroller adding view (tabbutton) stackview (tabbar):
@iboutlet weak var tabbar: uistackview! override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() let tabbutton = tabbutton(frame: cgrectzero) tabbutton.label.text = "all videos" tabbutton.backgroundcolor = uicolor.blackcolor() let widthconstraint = nslayoutconstraint(item: tabbutton, attribute: nslayoutattribute.width, relatedby: nslayoutrelation.equal, toitem: nil, attribute: nslayoutattribute.notanattribute, multiplier: 1, constant: 100) tabbutton.addconstraint(widthconstraint) tabbar.insertarrangedsubview(tabbutton, atindex: 0) }
i want tabbutton "ignore" it's frame , resize according height of stackview , width constraint i'm setting.
what missing?
my constraints on custom view (basically view label - plan use more complex layouts well):
try this:
let widthconstraint = nslayoutconstraint (item: your_item_here, attribute: nslayoutattribute.width, relatedby: nslayoutrelation.equal, toitem: nil, attribute: nslayoutattribute.notanattribute, multiplier: 1, constant: your_value_here) self.view.addconstraint(widthconstraint)
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