reactjs - Reload page if click to same path -


i'm trying reload browser (with location.reload();) if user click in <link> the same path, already.


i have menu:

- home - contact -

when user click in 'contact', go '/contact'. in '/contact' , click in 'contact' in menu, page reload.

it's possible this?

what i'm trying:

<link onclick={this.handleclick} to="contact">contact</link>  handleclick(){     var currentroute = 'react-route path';     var linkroute = 'link path';      if (currentroute === linkroute)         location.reload();     } else {         //do default transition     } } 

but don't figure need declare in 'currentroute' , 'linkroute'. :(

you shouldn't reload page. thats bad idea. instead disable link this:

if on home page links this

<a href="/home" data-disabled="true">home</a> <a href="/contact" data-disabled="false">contact</a> <a href="/about" data-disabled="false">about</a> 

then in handleclick() function can this.

handleclick(e){     e.preventdefault();     var disabled = $(e.currenttarget).data('disabled');     if (!disabled){          //do redirect     } } 

basically have data attribute on link specifies if disabled or not (only disabled if on current page) , redirect if on different page

reloading page on exact same page cause lose state , process user has done, doesn't need happen. reduces traffic on server new page load (aka data need load on page load don't have again).


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