javascript - Backbone collection working with Rest not working -

when console.log(this.collection.fetch()) can see in responcejson , responsetext it's returned correct data api.

however, readystate remain 1 , when run

this.collection.fetch({     success : function() {          console.log(that.collection.tojson())     } }); 

it returns blank array though no sever has responded data.

here's code...


define(['backbone'], function(backbone){      var google_place = backbone.model.extend({          defaults : {             'title'     : 'no titile',             'sub_title' : 'no subtitle',             'content'   : 'no content available',             'lat'       :  0,             'lng'       :  0,             'text'      : 'no text'         }      });      return google_place;   }); 


define(['../model/google_place'], function(google_place){      var google_places = backbone.collection.extend({          model: google_places,          initialize: function(models, options) {          },          url: function() {             return "";         },          parse: function(data) {             return data.items;         },      });      return google_places;  }); 


define(includes(), function(backbone, mustache){      var index = backbone.view.extend({          initialize : function() {             this.template = mustache.render(nav);         },          render : function() {             var = this;             console.log(that.collection.fetch());             this.collection.fetch({                 success : function() {                     console.log(that.collection.tojson())                 },              });              return;         },      });      return index;  }); 

json response fetch (responsetext)

[{     "title": "no titile",     "sub_title": "no subtitle",     "content": "no content available",     "lat": "0",     "lng": "0",     "text": "no text" }, {     "title": "example title",     "sub_title": "example subtitle",     "content": "loads on content here",     "lat": "0",     "lng": "0",     "text": "random text bullshit" }] 

your collections parse method contains following:

parse: function(data) {    return data.items; }, 

but response doesn't have items property:

[{   "title": "no titile",   "sub_title": "no subtitle",   "content": "no content available",   "lat": "0",   "lng": "0",   "text": "no text"  }, {   "title": "example title",   "sub_title": "example subtitle",   "content": "loads on content here",   "lat": "0",   "lng": "0",   "text": "random text bullshit" }] 

hence parse returns undefined, collection.tojson() returns empty array

either should remove parse method or response should be

{   "items":     [{     "title": "no titile",     "sub_title": "no subtitle",     "content": "no content available",     "lat": "0",     "lng": "0",     "text": "no text"    }, {     "title": "example title",     "sub_title": "example subtitle",     "content": "loads on content here",     "lat": "0",     "lng": "0",     "text": "random text bullshit"   }] } 

also collection doesn't seem importing backbone. make sure has access backbone , isn't throwing error


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