Issue in yii2 timezone formatter -

in php.ini timezone utc. system timezone utc. yii defaulttimezone utc. datetime attribute gets converted timezone "asia/kolkata" before saving db.

eg: utc time 12:00hrs input 17.30hrs expect in db 12:00hrs , in view 17.30hrs got in db 17:30hrs , in view got 23:00hrs.


'formatter' =>          [             'class' => 'yii\i18n\formatter',             'dateformat' => 'php:d-m-y',             'datetimeformat' => 'php:d-m-y h:i a',             'timeformat' => 'php:h:i a',             'timezone' => 'asia/kolkata',         ], 

you can choose save specific timestamp value using predefined format. let's take have defined datetime field in backend integer , want save integer. can set behavior this

public function behaviors() {     return [         'timestamp' => [             'class' => timestampbehavior::classname(),             'attributes' => [                 activerecord::event_before_insert => 'creation_time',                 activerecord::event_before_update => 'update_time',             ],             'value' => function() { return date('u'); // unix timestamp },         ],     ]; } 

you can configure yii\i18n\formatter control global date formats display locale. can set in config file can access across

'formatter' =>          [             'class' => 'yii\i18n\formatter',             'dateformat' => 'php:d-m-y',             'datetimeformat' => 'php:d-m-y h:i a',             'timeformat' => 'php:h:i a',             'defaulttimezone' or 'timezone' => 'asia/calcutta', //global date formats display locale.         ], 

read link , refer doc.

hope works.


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