iOS UITableView : clear section button -
i need add clear button in table view section header. same 1 in notification center. when user clicks it, 'x' change 'clear'. if s/he clicks again, app perform action. click outside button, 'clear' 'x'
how can make this? in advance
unfortunately not come out of box. have create own custom section header view. custom header view contains uilabel on left side. on right side put uibutton
has title "x". when user taps on button, change title "clear" , state .selected
. clear table view section when button tapped , state .selected
func setupbutton() { let button = uibutton() button.settitle("x", forstate: .normal) button.addtarget(self, action: selector("didpressbutton:"), forcontrolevents: .touchupinside) addsubview(button) } func didpressbutton(button: uibutton) { if button.selected { // clear table view section } button.settitle("clear", forstate: .normal) button.selected = true }
to put button in unselected state add background uiview
section header view , add uitapgesturerecognizer
func setupbackground() { let background = uiview() let recognizer = uitapgesturerecognizer(target: self, action: selector("didtapoutside:")) background.addgesturerecognizer(recognizer) insertsubview(background, belowsubview: button) } func didtapoutside(recognizer: uitapgesturerecognizer) { button.selected = false button.settitle("x", forstate: .normal) }
to use custom section header in table view implement following uitableviewdelegate
func tableview(tableview: uitableview, viewforheaderinsection section: int) -> uiview? { // create custom section header , return }
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