Sharepoint 2013 Hosted App execute javascript on all pages load -

i know if it's possible have sp 2013 hosted app injects piece of javascript gets executed on every page load.

for sake of simplicity, imagine want create app on every page load of sp site displays alert('hello world!');

i don't want have remote web, pure , simple hosted app can added picking sp store.

is possible?


you can inject javascript using custom action script link @alexcode suggests app require web - full control permissions. can't remember adapted code while looking add-in development. poc should make more robust before using in live environment.

app.js contents

(function(undefined) {     "use strict";     var actions, web, context, hostcontext, actiondescription;     console.log('running function');     // getquerystringparameter: method retrieve query string parameter values     var getquerystringparameter = function(param) {              var params = document.url.split('?')[1].split('&');             var length = params.length;             (var = 0; < length; = + 1) {                 var singleparam = params[i].split('=');                 if (singleparam[0] == param) {                     return singleparam[1];                 }             }         };      // inject: method return string js ran custom action     var inject = function() {             debugger;             var scripttorun;              scripttorun += '(function (){' +                     'var elem = document.getelementsbytagname("head")[0];' +                                         'var script = document.createelement("script");' +                     'script.appendchild(document.createtextnode(alert("hello world")));' +                                       'elem.appendchild(script);' +                 '}());';              return scripttorun;         };      var success = function() {         alert('done');     }      var fail = function() {         alert('failed');     }      // unprovision: removes custom action , javascript file     var unprovision = function() {             context = sp.clientcontext.get_current();             hostcontext = new sp.appcontextsite(context, decodeuricomponent(getquerystringparameter('sphosturl')));             // load custom actions host web             actions = hostcontext.get_web().get_usercustomactions();             context.load(actions);             web = hostcontext.get_web();             context.load(web);             context.executequeryasync(unprovisionex, fail);         };      // unprovisionex: method remove custom action     var unprovisionex = function() {             var enumerator = actions.getenumerator();             var removethese = [];             // find custom action             while (enumerator.movenext()) {                 var action = enumerator.get_current();                 if (action.get_description() == actiondescription && action.get_location() == 'scriptlink') {                     // add temporary array (we cannot modify enumerator while enumerating)                     removethese.push(action);                 }             }             // actual removal of custom action             var length = removethese.length;             (var = 0; < length; i++) {                 removethese[i].deleteobject();                 delete removethese[i];             }              context.executequeryasync(success, fail);         };       // provisionscriptlink: method adds custom action     var provisionscriptlink = function() {             var enumerator = actions.getenumerator();             var removethese = [];             // check if custom action exists, if remove before adding new 1             while (enumerator.movenext()) {                 var action = enumerator.get_current();                 if (action.get_description() == actiondescription && action.get_location() == 'scriptlink') {                     removethese.push(action);                 }             }              var length = removethese.length;             (var = 0; < length; i++) {                 removethese[i].deleteobject();                 delete removethese[i];             }              // create custom action             var newaction = actions.add();             // 'description' we'll use uniquely identify our custom action             newaction.set_description(actiondescription);             newaction.set_location('scriptlink');             newaction.set_scriptblock(inject());              newaction.update();             context.executequeryasync(success, fail);         };      // provision: starts uploading javascript file host we, once done continue provisionscriptlink() method     var provision = function() {             context = sp.clientcontext.get_current();             hostcontext = new sp.appcontextsite(context, decodeuricomponent(getquerystringparameter('sphosturl')));             // load custom actions host web             actions = hostcontext.get_web().get_usercustomactions();             context.load(actions);             web = hostcontext.get_web();             context.load(web);              context.executequeryasync(provisionscriptlink, fail);         };       document.getelementbyid("add").onclick = provision;  }()); 

default.apsx content

<%-- following 4 lines directives needed when using sharepoint components --%>  <%@ page inherits="microsoft.sharepoint.webpartpages.webpartpage, microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" masterpagefile="~masterurl/default.master" language="c#" %>  <%@ register tagprefix="sharepoint" namespace="microsoft.sharepoint.webcontrols" assembly="microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> <%@ register tagprefix="utilities" namespace="microsoft.sharepoint.utilities" assembly="microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> <%@ register tagprefix="webpartpages" namespace="microsoft.sharepoint.webpartpages" assembly="microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>  <%-- markup , script in following content element placed in <head> of page --%> <asp:content contentplaceholderid="placeholderadditionalpagehead" runat="server">      <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.runtime.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.js"></script>      <!-- add css styles following file -->     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../content/app.css" />  </asp:content>  <%-- markup in following content element placed in titlearea of page --%> <asp:content contentplaceholderid="placeholderpagetitleintitlearea" runat="server">     page title </asp:content>  <%-- markup , script in following content element placed in <body> of page --%> <asp:content contentplaceholderid="placeholdermain" runat="server">      <div>        <button type="button" value="add" name="add" id="add">add</button>     </div>  </asp:content>  <asp:content contentplaceholderid="placeholderutilitycontent" runat="server">     <!-- add javascript following file -->     <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/app.js"></script> </asp:content> 


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