assembly - How do I get my input value to become my eax and equal a given hex value? -

i have compiled c file run program shows main. have dumped assembly code , need getting past cmp @ 8048daf. have found amount of leading zeros eax equal value cant equal 0x338. since takes input string understanding eax have either 2, 4, etc numbers value because chars 2 values hex.


this value have used input eax equal 0x38

 08048d7d <phase_5>:  8048d7d:   55                          push   %ebp  8048d7e:   89 e5                       mov    %esp,%ebp  8048d80:   83 ec 48                    sub    $0x48,%esp  8048d83:   c6 45 f1 00                 movb   $0x0,-0xf(%ebp)  8048d87:   c6 45 e2 00                 movb   $0x0,-0x1e(%ebp)  8048d8b:   c6 45 e1 e5                 movb   $0xe5,-0x1f(%ebp)  8048d8f:   c6 45 e0 e9                 movb   $0xe9,-0x20(%ebp)  8048d93:   c7 45 ec 38 03 00 00        movl   $0x338,-0x14(%ebp)  8048d9a:   8b 45 08                    mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax  8048d9d:   89 44 24 04                 mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)  8048da1:   8d 45 c8                    lea    -0x38(%ebp),%eax  8048da4:   89 04 24                    mov    %eax,(%esp)  8048da7:   e8 4c fb ff ff              call   80488f8 <strcpy@plt>  8048dac:   8b 45 ec                    mov    -0x14(%ebp),%eax 

this compare:

8048daf:    3d 38 03 00 00              cmp    $0x338,%eax 

 8048db4:   74 05                       je     8048dbb <phase_5+0x3e>  8048db6:   e8 d8 02 00 00              call   8049093 <trigger_bomb>  8048dbb:   0f b6 45 e0                 movzbl -0x20(%ebp),%eax  8048dbf:   3c 66                       cmp    $0x66,%al  8048dc1:   75 10                       jne    8048dd3 <phase_5+0x56>  8048dc3:   0f b6 45 e1                 movzbl -0x1f(%ebp),%eax  8048dc7:   3c 69                       cmp    $0x69,%al  8048dc9:   75 08                       jne    8048dd3 <phase_5+0x56>  8048dcb:   0f b6 45 e2                 movzbl -0x1e(%ebp),%eax  8048dcf:   84 c0                       test   %al,%al  8048dd1:   74 05                       je     8048dd8 <phase_5+0x5b>  8048dd3:   e8 bb 02 00 00              call   8049093 <trigger_bomb>  8048dd8:   c9                          leave    8048dd9:   c3                          ret  

as understood, need bytes don't have printable representation input. in case 0x03 , 0x38. it's easy 0x38 since character '8' has ascii value. 0x3. here comes play perl or interpreted language:

./a.out $(perl -e 'print "0" x 20 . "\x38\x03"')

that input program string consisting of 20 bytes characters '0' concatenated 2 bytes 0x03 , 0x38 (the . concatenation).

another issue endianness. hope you're aware when have little endian bytes in memory inverted. example value 0x12345678 resides in memory 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12. that's why in input have "\x38\x03" , not "\x03\x38".


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