html - Unvisited links looking wrong -

first post here, don't judge me if ask incredibly stupid, started working css couple of days ago.

my problem (as can see here: ), when visited link looks different. , looks how want look, want unvisited link same way. i'm trying make unvisited link visited.

i can't find can possibly screw up. registered , i'm calling help. :)

edit: know tags do, 0.5 opacity whole block (when not being hovered) applies visited links. hope avoids answers telling me use stuff used in css provided. :)

this css (yeah, it's mess). after can find html.

/* test.css */ *{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box} body{margin:0} table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%;display:table} /* end of test.css ??*/  table,th,td,.playertable,.playerth,.playertd,.headertable,.headerth,.headertd {   text-align: center;   vertical-align: middle;   table-layout: fixed;   color: #603d9a;   font: 16px/26.4px helvetica,sans-serif!important }  tr {   display: table;   width: 100% }  td {   display: inline-table;   width: 25% }  .bgcolor1 {   background-color: #603d9a;   background: #603d9a }  .color1 {   color: #603d9a; }  :link,:visited {   text-decoration: none; }  :hover,:active, {   color: #000; }  .navbartable {   text-transform: uppercase;   text-decoration: none;   font-weight: 700;   font-family: helvetica,sans-serif!important;   font-size: 16px;   line-height: 26.4px;   font: 700 16px/26.4px helvetica,sans-serif!important }  .navbar {   margin: 0 auto;   width: 600px;   height: 28px;   display: -webkit-flex;   -webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;   display: flex;   flex-direction: row;   border-radius: 0 0 30px 30px;   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(96,61,154,0.2); }  .navbar div {   margin: 0 auto;   font-weight: bold; }  .website {   top: 100px;   width: 100%;   min-height: 100%;   background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,255,0.15),rgba(255,255,255,0.7));   background: -o-linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,255,0.15),rgba(255,255,255,0.7));   background: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,255,0.15),rgba(255,255,255,0.7));   background: linear-gradient(rgba(100,0,255,0.03),rgba(0,0,255,0.2));   margin: 0 auto; }  .hovertitle {   opacity: .7;   -webkit-transition: opacity 500ms;   -moz-transition: opacity 500ms;   -o-transition: opacity 500ms;   transition: opacity 500ms; }  .hovertitle:hover {   opacity: 1;   color: #603d9a; }  .hoverbar {   opacity: .5;   -webkit-transition: opacity 500ms;   -moz-transition: opacity 500ms;   -o-transition: opacity 500ms;   transition: opacity 500ms;   opacity: .5; }  .hoverbar:hover {   opacity: 1;   color: #603d9a;   font-size: 23px!important; }  .title {   width: 100%;   height: 200px;   margin: 0 auto;   /* start comment here remove text */   padding-top: 100px;   text-align: center;   text-transform: uppercase;   text-decoration: underline!important;   letter-spacing: -3px;   text-decoration: none;   font-size: 32px!important;   font-style: normal!important;   font-variant: normal!important;   font: 700 32px helvetica,sans-serif!important;   /* end comment here remove text */    /* gradient     background-image: url("");     background: -webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.15), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7));     background: -o-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.15), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7));     background: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.15), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7));     background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)); */ /* image   background-image: url("");   background-size: contain;   background-repeat: no-repeat;   background-position: center; */ }  .body {   width: 95%;   padding-top: 50px;   margin: 0 auto; }  .footerpadding {   height: 50px; }  .footer {   text-align: center;   width: 100%;   height: 110px;   color: #ffffff;   margin: 0 auto;   text-transform: uppercase;   text-decoration: none;   font-weight: 700;   font-family: helvetica,sans-serif!important; }  ul {   list-style-type: none;   margin: 0;   padding: 0;   overflow: hidden; }  li {   float: left; }  a:hover,a:active {   color: #000; }  .playertr {   display: table;   width: 100% }  .playertd {   display: inline-table }  .headertr {   display: table;   width: 100% }  .headertd {   display: inline-table;   width: 25%; }  .chatdiv {   position: relative;   padding-bottom: 132%;   height: 0 }  .chatdiv iframe {   position: absolute;   top: 0;   left: 0;   width: 100%;   height: 100% }  .playerdiv {   position: relative;   padding-bottom: 56.25%;   height: 0 }  .playerdiv iframe {   position: absolute;   top: 0;   left: 0;   width: 100%;   height: 100% }  .player {   width: 70% }  .chat {   width: 30% } 


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there css selector that. add:

a, a:visited { } 

to css set same styles visited , "unvisited" links. here more information this.


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