ios - How to check how many times UIButton pressed in One Second -

i developing simple apple watch demo. in want check how many times uibutton pressing in 1 second.
give me hint question.
here code implemented:

- (void)awakewithcontext:(id)context {     [super awakewithcontext:context];     [btnbell setbackgroundimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"bell.png"]];     [self performselector:@selector(checkcount) withobject:nil afterdelay:1.0];     nslog(@"%@ awakewithcontext", self);     self.counter = 0; }  - (void)willactivate {     // method called when watch view controller visible user     nslog(@"%@ activate", self); }  - (void)diddeactivate {     // method called when watch view controller no longer visible     nslog(@"%@ did deactivate", self); }  #pragma mark - button actions  - (ibaction)savecounter {     //send count parent application     self.counter++;     nsstring *counterstring = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d", self.counter];     nsdictionary *applicationdata = [[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjects:@[counterstring] forkeys:@[@"countervalue"]];      //handle reciever in app delegate of parent app     [wkinterfacecontroller openparentapplication:applicationdata reply:^(nsdictionary *replyinfo, nserror *error) {         [self showsavenotificationlabel];     }]; }  #pragma mark - helper methods  -(void)showsavenotificationlabel {     nsstring *soundfilepath = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource: @"beep1" oftype: @"mp3"];     nsurl *fileurl = [[nsurl alloc] initfileurlwithpath: soundfilepath];      myaudioplayer = [[avaudioplayer alloc] initwithcontentsofurl:fileurl error:nil];     myaudioplayer.volume = 0.1;      [myaudioplayer play]; } -(void)checkcount {     nslog(@"button tap clicked : %d times", self.counter);     self.counter = 0; }   

feel free ask regarding code. , give me suggestion.

global variable :

int buttontapcounts; 

viewdidload method :

[self performselector:@selector(checkcount) withobject:nil afterdelay:1.0]; 

method uibutton event :

-(ibaction)tapbuttonclicked:(id)sender { buttontapcounts ++; }

check counter after 1 second :

-(void)checkcount {       nslog(@"button tap clicked : %d times", buttontapcounts);      // resetting button count     buttontapcounts = 0; } 


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