php - Grunt-wiredep done without errors but doesn't inject dependencies -

i'm trying connect wiredep project, no success. have bower_components , bower.json inside assets/, , gruntfile.js in root directory. here's relevant gruntfile:

wiredep: {     target: {         src: [             'grunt-test.html',             'application/views/inc/inc_scripts.php',             'application/views/inc/inc_head.php'         ],         directory: 'assets/bower_components',         bowerjson: 'assets/bower.json',         filetypes: {             php: {                 block: /(([\s\t]*)<!--\s*bower:*(\s*)\s*-->)(\n|\r|.)*?(<!--\s*endbower\s*-->)/gi,                 detect: {                     js: /<script.*src=['"](.+)['"]>/gi,                     css: /<link.*href=['"](.+)['"]/gi                 },                 replace: {                     js: '<script src="{{filepath}}"></script>', // <-- change line                     css: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{filepath}}" />'                 }             },             html: {                 block: /(([\s\t]*)<!--\s*bower:*(\s*)\s*-->)(\n|\r|.)*?(<!--\s*endbower\s*-->)/gi,                 detect: {                     js: /<script.*src=['"](.+)['"]>/gi,                     css: /<link.*href=['"](.+)['"]/gi                 },                 replace: {                     js: '<script src="{{filepath}}"></script>', // <-- change line                     css: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{filepath}}" />'                 }             }         }     } } 

then run grunt wiredep --verbose , following output:

running "wiredep" task  running "wiredep:target" (wiredep) task verifying property exists in config...ok files: grunt-test.html, application/views/inc/inc_scripts.php, application/views /inc/inc_head.php verifying property exists in config...ok options: src=["grunt-test.html","application/views/inc/inc_scripts.php","application/views/inc/inc_head.php"], directory="assets/bower_components", bowerjson="a ssets/bower.json",filetypes={"php":{"block":{},"detect":{"js":{},"css":{}},"replace":{"js":"<script src=\"{{filepath}}\"></script>","css":"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{{filepath}}\" />"}},"html":{"block":{},"detect":{"js":{},"css":{}},"replace":{"js":"<script src=\"{{filepath}}\"></script>","css":"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{{filepath}}\" />"}}}  done, without errors. 

but nothing happens. i've made sure i'm using right tags , tried adding html file (grunt-test.html) make sure it's not filetype thing, i'm @ loss right now.

what guys see?

thanks in advance.


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