plsql - oracle prompt before declare gives error -
prompt ------------------------------------------------ prompt executing...ddl/script name.sql prompt ------------------------------------------------ set serveroutput on; set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit ; whenever oserror exit ; prompt ddl/jira-id checking columns updt_userid, time_stamp, last_action null values. declare v_error boolean := false; v_exit exception; begin --- code end;
while running code getting error @ line
prompt ddl/jira-id checking columns updt_userid, time_stamp, last_action null values.
error below.
ddl/fnd-18918 checking columns updt_userid, time_stamp, last_action null values. prompt ddl/fnd-18918 checking columns hist_userid, hist_time_stamp, hist_action null values. * ora-06550: pls-00103: encountered symbol "ddl" when expecting 1 of following: := . ( @ % ; symbol ":=" substituted "ddl" continue. ora-06550: pls-00103: encountered symbol "checking" when expecting 1 of following: * & = - + ; < / > @ in mod remainder not rem <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> , or like2 like4 likec between || member submultiset
can know exact root cause of this. because have long ddl script in have put prompt statement before every declare block.
i have tried code only. modified bit , working fine. prompt ------------------------------------------------ prompt executing...ddl/script name.sql prompt ------------------------------------------------ set serveroutput on; set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit ; whenever oserror exit ; prompt ddl/jira-id checking columns updt_userid, time_stamp, last_action null values. declare v_error boolean := false; v_exit exception; begin --- code null; end; ------------------------------------------------ prompt executing...ddl/script name.sql ------------------------------------------------ ddl/jira-id checking columns updt_userid, time_stamp, last_action null values. anonymous block completed
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