downloadTaskWithRequest confusing behaviour (swift , IOS ) -
i not understand following , hope :-)
i downloading file url (10 minutes downloadtime), works fine, when download completes.
but: when simulate crash or internet-interruption after minute , restart app again, behaves strange me. in case when restarting app download again same sessionid, seems 2 download tasks working in parallel. recognizue jumping progressbar 10% 0% , back. one, starts scratch , one, guess continious old transfer. (not sure). can restart again , there 1 more in queue.
can confirm behaviour , know how can: - continue interrupted download task (preferred :-) ) - or how can start scratch only.
here code downloading, works fine without interruption.
func download_file(surl: string, stolocation: string) { println("start downloading ..."); println("surl : " + surl + " stolocation : " + stolocation); bytesdownloaded=0; var delegate = self; delegate.storepath=stolocation; delegate.progressview=progressview; struct sessionproperties { static let identifier : string! = "url_session_background_download" } var configuration = nsurlsessionconfiguration.backgroundsessionconfigurationwithidentifier(sessionproperties.identifier) var backgroundsession = nsurlsession(configuration: configuration, delegate: delegate, delegatequeue: nil) //myurlsession = nsurlsession(configuration: configuration, delegate: delegate, delegatequeue: nil) var url = nsurlrequest(url: nsurl(string: surl)!) var downloadtask = backgroundsession.downloadtaskwithrequest(url) //downloadtask.cancel() downloadtask.resume() }
update when using different sessionid, download starts scratch. started download task runs still in background. wondering why can't resume download task using old sessionid without starting new download in parallel ?
the whole point of using download task downloads can continue if app isn't running or if crashes. don't need resume download. happening in separate background daemon. need re-create session using same id.
after re-create session, existing downloads automatically associated new session, , delegate methods called whenever task completes.
there's little bit of magic need implement handling background launches if app isn't running when download finishes. see url session programming guide details.
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