visual studio - How to uninstall VSIX extension using NSIS? -

actually, noted here how uninstall .vsix visual studio extensions?, have call this:

vsixinstaller /u:12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456780000 

however, not figure out how path vsixinstaller inside of nsis script.

according this blog can find path in registry or using %vs###comntools% environment variable.

function getvsidepath exch $0 push $1 push $2 expandenvstrings $1 "%vs$0comntools%" iffileexists "$1\?" "" tryreg     getfullpathname $1 "$1\..\..\ide\"     iffileexists "$1\?" done tryreg:     intop $0 $0 / 10     readregstr $1 hklm "software\microsoft\visualstudio\$0.0" "installdir" done: strcpy $0 $1 pop $2 pop $1 exch $0 functionend  !include logiclib.nsh  section  push 100 ; visual studio 2010 call getvsidepath pop $0 ${if} $0 != ""     execwait '"$0\vsixinstaller.exe" /u:12345678-1234-5678-1234-123456780000' ${endif}  sectionend 

if support more 1 version of visual studio have call getvsidepath+execwait multiple times...


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