ios - How to display 3 cells per row in UICollectionView? -

i used custom flow layout according this post. here implementation:

@implementation customlayout -(void)preparelayout{ [super preparelayout]; //    [self invalidatelayout]; if(self.collectionview){     cgsize newitemsize=self.itemsize;  // number of items per row     int itemsperrow=3;      float totalspacing=self.minimumlinespacing*(itemsperrow-1);      newitemsize.width=(self.collectionview.bounds.size.width -totalspacing)/itemsperrow;      if(self.itemsize.height>0){         float itemaspectratio=self.itemsize.width/self.itemsize.height;         newitemsize.height=newitemsize.width/itemaspectratio;     }      [self setitemsize:newitemsize];  }   } @end 

this i've got: result did miss? i've come across other posts no luck far.

//make use of uicollectionviewdelegateflowlayout protocol  class rvc: uicollectionviewcontroller { //some code }  extension rvc: uicollectionviewdelegateflowlayout{      func collectionview(collectionview: uicollectionview, layout collectionviewlayout: uicollectionviewlayout, sizeforitematindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> cgsize     {           var collectionviewsize = collectionview.frame.size           collectionviewsize.width = collectionviewsize.width/3.0 //display 3 elements in row.           collectionviewsize.height = collectionviewsize.height/4.0           return collectionviewsize     } 

for more information go through below link.

uicollectionview set number of columns


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