mongodb php query in documents with nested objects -
so here sample of document in mongodb collection:
{ "_id" : objectid("561e0de61c9218b7bf9877c3"), "date" : numberlong(20151014), "hour" : numberlong(10), "productid" : objectid("5614ba9c2e131caa098b4567"), "productname" : "test", "producerid" : objectid("5617802151f8adf4db329d52"), "producername" : "producer", "producerrate" : numberlong(300), "producermedium" : "emailer", "totallead" : numberlong(6), "verifiedlead" : numberlong(3), "unverifiedlead" : numberlong(2), "unqualifiedlead" : numberlong(1), "totalearning" : numberlong(660), "consumers" : [ { "consumerid" : objectid("5617802151f8adf4db329d54"), "consumername" : "consumer1", "consumedrate" : numberlong(120), "consumedlead" : numberlong(3), "earning" : numberlong(360) }, { "consumerid" : objectid("5617802151f8adf4db329d58"), "consumername" : "consumer2", "consumedrate" : numberlong(100), "consumedlead" : numberlong(3), "earning" : numberlong(300) } ] }
now want consumedlead grouped consumerid , productid database in php.
what have did far give me totallead , verifiedlead grouped product id have no idea how consumerbased results same:
$keyf = new mongocode('function(doc) { return {\'productid\': doc.productid,\'productname\': doc.productname}; }'); $initial = array('totallead'=>0,'verifiedlead'=>0); $reduce = "function(obj, prev) { prev.totallead += obj.totallead; prev.verifiedlead += obj.verifiedlead; }"; $result = $collection->group($keyf, $initial, $reduce); var_dump($result);
any please.
edit: expected result wpuld :
{ [0]=> array(4) { ["productid"]=> object(mongoid)#8 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5614ba9c2e131caa098b4567" } ["productname"]=> string(4) "test" ["consumerid"]=> object(mongoid)#8 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5617802151f8adf4db329d58" } ["consumedlead"]=> float(4) } }
the solution use aggregation framework operation includes $unwind
operator initial pipeline stage deconstruct consumers
array field input documents , outputs document each element. each output document replaces array element value. make possible $sum
group accumulator operator in $group
step work , givies required consumedlead
grouped consumerid
, productid
db.collection.aggregate([ { "$unwind": "$consumers" }, { "$group": { "_id": { "productid": "$productid", "consumerid": "$consumers.consumerid" }, "totalconsumedlead": { "$sum": "$consumers.consumedlead" } } } ])
running aggregation operation on above sample result:
/* 0 */ { "result" : [ { "_id" : { "productid" : objectid("5614ba9c2e131caa098b4567"), "consumerid" : objectid("5617802151f8adf4db329d58") }, "totalconsumedlead" : numberlong(3) }, { "_id" : { "productid" : objectid("5614ba9c2e131caa098b4567"), "consumerid" : objectid("5617802151f8adf4db329d54") }, "totalconsumedlead" : numberlong(3) } ], "ok" : 1 }
so final working aggregation in php should be:
$pipeline = array( array('$unwind' => '$consumers'), array( '$group' => array( '_id' => array( 'productid' => '$productid', 'consumerid' => '$consumers.consumerid', ), 'totalconsumedlead' => array( '$sum' => '$consumers.consumedlead' ), ) ), ); $out = $collection->aggregate($pipeline ,$options);
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