c++ using functions within functions -

i new c++ working on project dealing doing different operations sets , 1 of them prints out if set finite. sos object being used stands set of strings , has vector of strings , boolean data members. created function check if set finite , trying call in print function keep getting error saying "no member named "isfinite." heres have, appreciated.

void sos::print() const{     if (m_vos.isfinite() == true){         (int = 0; < m_vos.size(); i++){             cout << m_vos[i]<< endl;         }     }     else{         cout << "complement of:"<< endl;         (int = 0; i< m_vos.size(); i++){             cout << m_vos[i]<< endl;         }     } }  bool sos::isfinite() const{     if (isfinite(m_vos.size()){         return true;     }     return false; } 

the problem attempting call sos::isfinite() on std::vector<std::string> (m_vos). std::vector has no such member. can call sos::isfinite() on object of type sos or within sos function.

fortunately within sos function, can change code to:

void sos::print() const{     // calls sos::isfinite()     if (isfinite() == true){ 


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