chart.js - Load ChartJS via VueJS - ChartJS empty and 0px dimension -
alright, trying create chartjs instance via vuejs update data via ajax requests inside component.
basically working, chartjs instance gets created empty , has height , width of 0 , when resize via console still empty.
so best way of creating "chartjs component" vuejs or fault in code below?
the basic way want load chart this.
<chart :resource="''"></chart>
this basic component
var vue = require('vue'); vue.component('chart', { template: require('./template.html'), props: ['resource'], data: function() { return { startingdata: {}, latestlabel: {}, } }, ready: function() { // here load js data , set startingdata }, });
this directive use pass down data component. way this.el
can context of it
vue.directive('loaddata', function(value) { var startingdata = { labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], datasets: [{ fillcolor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.2)", strokecolor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointcolor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointstrokecolor: "#fff", data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90] }] }, latestlabel = startingdata.labels[6]; var livechart = new chart(this.el.getcontext('2d')).bar(startingdata); setinterval(function() { livechart.adddata([math.random() * 100], ++latestlabel); livechart.removedata(); }, 1000); });
this template of component
<canvas width="960" height="300" v-load-data="startingdata"></canvas>
you concerned this issue. graph not render because, pointed out, graph has height , width of 0. had this problem while working tabsets, , solved redrawing graph directive :
app.directive('graphcanvasrefresh', ['$compile', function($compile) { function link(scope, elem, attrs) { function refreshdom() { var markup = '<canvas class="chart chart-pie" id="graph" data="" labels="entitygraph.labels" legend="true" colours="graphcolours" ></canvas>'; var el = angular.element(markup); compiled = $compile(el); elem.html(''); elem.append(el); compiled(scope); }; // refresh dom when attribute value changed scope.$watch(attrs.graphcanvasrefresh, function(value) { refreshdom(); }); // clean dom on destroy scope.$on('$destroy', function() { elem.html(''); }); }; return { link: link }; }]);
hope can you
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