c# - Consuming java web service getting error -

i getting error while consuming java web service in win form application

the error

you must provide request body if set contentlength>0 or sendchunked==true. calling [begin]getrequeststream before [begin]getresponse.

my code consume java service

       public  byte[] stringtobytearray(string stringdata)         {         system.text.utf8encoding encoding = new system.text.utf8encoding();         return encoding.getbytes(stringdata);         }        private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {          string data = @"<repositorytype>117</repositorytype>                        <repositorycategory>0</repositorycategory>                        <modifiedby>2825</modifiedby>                        <referencecode>0</referencecode>                       <fromdate>2015-10-14t11:50:00</fromdate>                       <todate>2015-10-14t11:51:00</todate>                       <repositoryname>ashok</repositoryname>                       <repositoryshortname>kumar</repositoryshortname>                       <repositorydesc>nothing</repositorydesc>                       <fixed>f</fixed>                       <isvalid>true</isvalid>                        <lstvisa />                       <sortorder>0</sortorder>                      </repository>";`                       byte[] postdata = null;                     httpwebrequest _webrequest = null;         httpwebresponse webresponse = null;         streamreader responsestream = null;         string sreturnval = string.empty;         string serviceaddress="";            try           {             _webrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(serviceaddress + "/" + data);             postdata = stringtobytearray(data);             if (_webrequest != null)             {                 if (postdata!=null)                 {                       _webrequest.method = "post";                      _webrequest.contenttype= "text/xml";                      _webrequest.contentlength = postdata.length;                      _webrequest.useragent = "mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 7.0; windows nt 5.1)";                     _webrequest.sendchunked = true;                    }                          **webresponse = (httpwebresponse)_webrequest.getresponse();**                     {                              if (webresponse.headers.get("content-encoding") != null && webresponse.headers.get("content-encoding").tolower() == "gzip")                                 responsestream = new streamreader(new gzipstream(webresponse.getresponsestream(), compressionmode.decompress));                             else                             {                                 encoding enc = system.text.encoding.getencoding(1252);                                 responsestream = new streamreader(webresponse.getresponsestream(), enc);                             }                             if (responsestream != null)                             {                                 xelement root = xelement.load(responsestream);                                 sreturnval = root.value;                             }                      }              }             else             {                 throw new exception("connection " +  " service not established.",                     new exception("please check whether " +                          " service running or contact system administrator."));              }          }           catch(exception ex)           {           }     } 

the highlighted line getting error.

please in this.

you're adding data url instead of posting request body. take @ question working code can use: http post using web service. asp.net webservices must set soapaction http header, can skip line if service doesn't require it.


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