angularjs - angular directive scope inheritance/ isolation -

i have directive build dynamic table collection. have 2 types of columns checkbox , dropdowns. however, scope not resolving correctly @ directive level. getting 'undefined'. need bind drop down options controller.


<div ng-app="myapp"> <div ng-controller="myctrl">   <ui-table source="students">       <check-col title="passed" field="passed"/>       <drop-down-col title="std" field="std" />     </ui-table> </div> </div> 

angular js

var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]);  myapp.directive("uitable", function ($compile) {         var generatetablehtml = function ($scope) {             // header             var html = "<table class='table table-condensed table-bordered table-responsive'><thead class='thead12'><tr class='active'>";             angular.foreach($scope.columns, function (col) {                 debugger;                 html += "<th scope='col'" +                     (col.cssclass ? " class='" + col.cssclass + "'" : "") +                     ">" + col.title + "</th>";             });             html += "</tr></thead><tbody>";              // body             html += "<tr ng-repeat='item in datasource'>";             angular.foreach($scope.columns, function (col) {                 html += "<td" + (col.cssclass ? " class='" + col.cssclass + "'" : "") + ">";                 if (col.type === columntype.check) {                     html += "<input type='checkbox' ng-model='item." + col.datafield + "'/>";                 } else if (col.type === columntype.dropdown) {                     html += "<select ng-model='item." +col.datafield + "' ng-options = 'option.value option in dataoptions'></select>";                 }                 html += "</td>";             });             html += "</tr>";             html += "</tbody></table>";             return html;         };         return {             restrict: "e",             replace: true,             transclude: true,             scope: {                 datasource: "=source"             },              controller: function ($scope) {                 $scope.columns = [];                 this.addcolumn = function (col) {                     $scope.columns.splice(0, 0, col);                 };             },              template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",               compile: function () {                 return function ($scope, $elem) {                     $elem.html(generatetablehtml($scope));                     $compile($elem.contents())($scope);                 };             }         };     }); myapp.directive("checkcol", function () {         return {             require: "^uitable",             restrict: "e",             replace: true,             scope: {                 title: "@title",                 cssclass: "@class",                 datafield: "@field"             },             link: function ($scope, element, attrs, tablecontrol) {                 $scope.type = columntype.check;                 tablecontrol.addcolumn($scope);             }         }; }); myapp.directive("dropdowncol", function() {     return {         require: "^uitable",         restrict: "e",         replace: true,         scope: {             title: "@title",             cssclass: "@class",             datafield: "@field"         },         link: function($scope, element, attrs, tablecontrol) {             $scope.type = columntype.dropdown;             tablecontrol.addcolumn($scope);         }     }; }); //myapp.factory('myservice', function() {}); var columntype = { check: 1, dropdown: 2 }; myapp.controller('myctrl', function($scope) {     $scope.students = [{id:1, std:10, passed: true}, {id:2, std:9, passed: false}]; $scope.stds= [{value: 10, name: '10the std'},{value: 9, name: '9the std'},{value: 8, name: '8the std'}]; }); 


uprade angular ver. 1.2 , works fine



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