ios - ld: framework not found Box -

i'm getting error every time when try compile project. started happening after adding pods "use_frameworks!" , updating use :

#import <mbprogresshud/mbprogresshud.h> 

insted of:

#import "mbprogresshud.h" 

for frameworks.

there no framework named "box" not understand refer to..

this error shows after project compiles, @ end.

did 1 manage fix issue?


my podfile:  platform :ios, '8.0'  # ignore warnings pods inhibit_all_warnings! use_frameworks! xcodeproj 'stox'  pod 'flex', '~> 2.0', :configurations => ['debug']  pod 'fbsdkcorekit', '~> 4.5'  pod 'dcintrospect-arc', '~> 0.0.4'  pod 'fiksusdk', '~> 4.5.0'  pod 'raven'  pod 'pkrevealcontroller'  pod 'uiimage+blurredframe'  pod 'sdwebimage'  pod 'pephotocropeditor'  pod 'reachability'  pod 'hpgrowingtextview', '~> 1.0.1'  pod 'mbprogresshud'  pod 'pop', '~> 1.0'  #pod 'uiactionsheet+blocks'  pod 'azsocketio', '0.0.5'  pod 'tsmessages'  #pod 'reactivecocoa' , '~> 2.5.0' pod 'reactivecocoa', '3.0'  pod 'njkwebviewprogress'  pod 'actionsheetpicker-3.0', '~> 1.2.0'  pod 'underscore.m'  pod 'mantle', '~> 1.5'  pod 'rskimagecropper'  pod "afnetworking", "~> 1.3.4"  pod 'googleanalytics-ios-sdk', '~> 3.10'  pod 'ahkactionsheet', '~> 0.5'  pod 'wypopovercontroller', '~> 0.2.2'  pod 'xlpagertabstrip', '~> 1.0'  pod 'swipeview', '~> 1.3.2'  pod 'masonry'  pod 'ylmoment', '~> 0.2.0'  pod 'yiinnershadowview', '~> 1.1'  pod 'linqtoobjectivec', '~> 2.0'  pod 'typhoon'  pod 'cdrtranslucentsidebar'  pod "zfdragablemodaltransition"  pod 'lvdebounce'  pod 'asyncdisplaykit', '~> 1.2'  pod 'phototweaks', '~> 1.0.1'  pod 'shimmer', '~> 1.0'  pod 'ihkeyboardavoiding'  pod 'parse', '~> 1.8.4'  pod 'dbprivacyhelper'  pod 'appsflyer-sdk'  pod 'klcpopup', '~> 1.0'  pod 'vertigo'  pod 'irate', '~> 1.11'  target 'stoxuitests' use_frameworks!   pod 'nocilla'   pod 'ohhttpstubs', '~> 4.3' end 

workaround resolve issue (temporary fix :) )

  1. create folder called "box.framework" anywhere on computer. note full path folder.

  2. create empty file called "box" inside of "box.framework"

  3. click on project , go "build settings" tab.

  4. find "framework search paths" in build settings (you can search "framework search paths" in search bar @ top)

  5. double click on framework search path , press "+" button.

  6. add path points "box.framework" folder created in step1.

let me know if resolves issue.


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