core - Unable to load libuv in windows server 2012 r2? -

in visual studio code, issue dnx kestrel in command line palette. encountering error this

info    : [microsoft.framework.dependencyinjection.dataprotectionservices] user profile available. using 'c:\users\myaccount\appdata\local\\dataprot ection-keys' key repository , windows dpapi encrypt keys @ rest. system.invalidoperationexception: unable load libuv.    @ microsoft.aspnet.server.kestrel.networking.libuv.load(string dlltoload)    @ microsoft.aspnet.server.kestrel.kestrelengine..ctor(ilibrarymanager librar ymanager, iapplicationshutdown appshutdownservice)    @ microsoft.aspnet.server.kestrel.serverfactory.start(iserverinformation ser verinformation, func`2 application)    @    @[] args) --- end of stack trace previous location exception thrown ---    @ system.runtime.exceptionservices.exceptiondispatchinfo.throw()    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.common.entrypointexecutor.execute(assembly assembly,  string[] args, iserviceprovider serviceprovider)    @ microsoft.dnx.applicationhost.program.executemain(defaulthost host, string  applicationname, string[] args)    @ microsoft.dnx.applicationhost.program.main(string[] args) --- end of stack trace previous location exception thrown ---    @ system.runtime.exceptionservices.exceptiondispatchinfo.throw()    @ microsoft.dnx.runtime.common.entrypointexecutor.execute(assembly assembly,  string[] args, iserviceprovider serviceprovider)    @`1 args, iruntimeenvironment env, frameworkname targetframework)    @[] args, framewo rkname targetframework)    @[] args, frameworknam e targetframework) press key continue . . . 

how fix this? thanks.

kestrel use libuv asynchronous i/o library. so, install use kestrel web server, or use dnx web launch app, web command in project.json.

"commands": { "kestrel": " --server microsoft.aspnet.server.kestrel --config hosting.ini", "web": " --server microsoft.aspnet.server.weblistener --config hosting.ini"} 


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