css - How to prevent <input> from stretching table cell? -

<table border=1>    <tr>      <th>one</th>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>1</td>    </tr>  </table>

draws table bit wider word "one", , it's ok.

<table border=1>    <tr>      <th>one</th>    </tr>    <tr>      <td style='padding:0 0 0 0'>        <input style='width:100%' value='1'>      </td>    </tr>  </table>

draws table 4 times wider needed.

please advise how make width of input equal 100% of non-stretched td without assigning width of td itself?

you can add size attribute input. example:

<table border=1>    <tr>      <th>one</th>    </tr>    <tr>      <td style='padding:0 0 0 0'>        <input size='1' value='1'>      </td>    </tr>  </table>


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